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نمایش نتایج جستجو برای

کلمات کلیدی: Iran

موارد یافت شده: 1622

1 - Identifying Dust Emission in South Khorasan South-western Asia. (چکیده)
2 - Alkaline-rich intermediate and felsic melts beneath the NW Iranian plate: new insights from coeval silica-undersaturated and -saturated rocks (چکیده)
3 - Framework and overview of the Pediatric Spinal Muscular Atrophy Registry Program of Iran (چکیده)
4 - Subspecies delineation of Ziziphora clinopodioides complex (Lamiaceae) based on morphological, sequence-related amplified polymorphism and essential oils analyses (چکیده)
5 - Forty Years of Air Temperature Change over Iran Reveals Linear and Nonlinear Warming (چکیده)
6 - Soil moisture change analysis under watershed management practice using in situ and remote sensing data in a paired watershed (چکیده)
7 - Sedimentary parameters and downstream fining of Khanik River sediments, Eastern of Iran (چکیده)
8 - The model of consumption experiences and perception of the price of Iranian sportswear from the customers point of view (چکیده)
9 - Effective Reproduction Number of Smear-Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Iran: A Registry-Based Study (2011-2021) (چکیده)
10 - Urban water footprint in Mashhad, Iran’s second largest city (چکیده)
11 - Socioeconomic and Health Impacts of Dust Storms in Southwest Iran (چکیده)
12 - Morphometrical and molecular identification of Echinococcus granulosus genotypes in wild canids in north of Iran (چکیده)
13 - The occurrence of the citrus flower moth, Prays citri (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea: Praydidae) for the first time in Iran (چکیده)
14 - Iranian bentonite: characteristics, challenges, and opportunities (چکیده)
16 - IranVeg – the Vegetation Database of Iran: current status and the way forward (چکیده)
17 - Parasitological and molecular detection of Hepatozoon canis in Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus in Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (چکیده)
18 - Veterinary medical education in the 21st century: Old presumptions and new problems (چکیده)
19 - Tabulate corals from the Middle and Upper Permian formations in the Julfa area, Northwest Iran (چکیده)
20 - Depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Qom Formation (Miocene) from the Ghalibaf section, Central Iran (چکیده)
21 - Investigating Hydropericardium Syndrome with Different Histopathological Techniques in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
22 - Suspicious activity reporting in emerging economies: the case of Iran (چکیده)
23 - Analysis of the impact of social media on the buying behavior of Generation Z consumers: a case study of Iran\\\'s clothing market (چکیده)
24 - Morphometric Characteristics and Species Identification of Bed Bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in Eastern Iran (چکیده)
25 - Modeling the desired financial governance of professional Iranian football clubs using a mixed method (چکیده)
26 - Molecular Epidemiology of Circulating Sheep and Goat Pox Virus Strains in Iran (چکیده)
27 - Molecular Detection of Listeria spp. in Ovine Aborted Samples Referred to the Center of Excellence for Ruminant Abortion and Neonatal Mortality in Iran (چکیده)
28 - Detection of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in Lymphadenitis Cases Among Sheep and Goat Flocks in Northeast Iran (چکیده)
29 - Study on fungal contaminants in aborted calves of cattle herds in Iran (چکیده)
30 - Effects of Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors on Meat Consumption Pattern in Iran: A Demand System Approach (چکیده)
31 - SMRF: a new class-based probabilistic approach for season-ahead monthly rainfall forecasting (چکیده)
32 - Structural and alteration zones controls on Cu mineralisation in the northwest of Nain (northeastern Isfahan, Iran): A remote sensing perspective (چکیده)
33 - Genome sequence analysis of two recombinant isolates of watermelon mosaic virus from Iran and Iraq (چکیده)
34 - Clinical pathology and molecular examination of Babesia spp. infection in dogs; Mashhad, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
35 - Climate change projection using statistical downscaling model over southern coastal Iran (چکیده)
36 - Exploring factors affecting psychological resilience of farmers living in drought-affected regions in Iran: a qualitative study (چکیده)
37 - The Prevalence of Infection with Gastrointestinal Helminths in Free-Range Poultry of Zabol, Iran (چکیده)
38 - Strategic Planning of Internationalization in the Legal Infrastructure of Iranian Universities: Aligning Faculty Promotion Regulations with Global Standards (چکیده)
39 - Spatial Distribution of Smear-Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence Rates in Iran: A Registry-Based Study (2018–2022) (چکیده)
40 - India and Iran’s look East policy: The Gap between Iran’s Perception and India’s Behavior (چکیده)
41 - Diversity of the Rodents of Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
42 - Zircon U–Pb geochronology, major-trace elements and Sr–Nd isotope geochemistry of Mashhad granodiorites (NE Iran) and their mafic microgranular enclaves: evidence for magma mixing and mingling (چکیده)
43 - Geochronology and geochemistry of exotic blocks of Cadomian crust from the salt diapirs of SE Zagros: the Chah-Banu example (چکیده)
44 - Mineral geochemistry of the Sangan skarn deposit, NE Iran: Implication for the evolution of hydrothermal fluid (چکیده)
45 - Empire builders: Tracing the urban footprints of Seljuk women from Khorasan to Anatolia (چکیده)
46 - Annotated check-list of the mammals of Iran Komentovaný soupis (چکیده)
47 - Persian game localization scene in Iran: taking stock (چکیده)
49 - Mineralogy, geochemistry and geotectonic of plagiogranites from Shahre-Babak ophiolite, Zagros zone, Iran (چکیده)
50 - First detection of tick‐borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in raw milk samples in North‐Western Iran (چکیده)
51 - Identification tick vector of Hepatozoon canis in dogs in Khorasan Razavi province. Iran (چکیده)
52 - Investigating Hydropericardium Syndrome with Different Histopathological Techniques in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
53 - Geochemistry and tectonic significance of the Fannuj-Maskutan SSZ-type ophiolite (Inner Makran, SE Iran) (چکیده)
54 - The Dominant Prevalence Of Genotype D Among Different Hbv Infected Patient Groups, A Study From Referral Center In South Of Iran (چکیده)
55 - Bayesian estimation of the time-varying reproduction number for pulmonary tuberculosis in Iran: A registry-based study from 2018 to 2022 using new smear-positive cases (چکیده)
56 - Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Controlling Wetness And Dryness Across Lake Urmia Basin In Iran: Historical Drought Dynamics (چکیده)
57 - The Role of Psychological Capital and Sense of Coherence in the Work Engagement of Iranian Psychologists and Counselors (A National Online Study) (چکیده)
58 - An Investigation into Iranian English Language Learners’ Investment in Imagined Communities (چکیده)
59 - Impact of abiotic environmental factors on Pistacia vera L. density in woody rangelands: a case study in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
60 - Fe–Cu mineralization of Tangal-e-Sefid; a magnetite rich massive sulfide deposit from Kuh-e-Sarhangi district, Central Iran (چکیده)
61 - Comparison of long-term effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy versus mindfulness-based therapy on reduction of symptoms among patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (چکیده)
62 - Styles of ‘religion’, ‘non-religion’ and ‘spirituality’ in post-revolutionary Iran: the ‘ironic’ impact of ‘Islam’ on people’s ‘religiosity’ (چکیده)
63 - Biostratigraphy and determination of the base of the Santonian stage in the east of the Kopeh-Dagh Basin based on planktonic foraminifera, NE Iran (چکیده)
64 - Gill parasites of Schizocypris altidorsalis (Pisces: Cyprinidae), a threatened freshwater fish in Iran (چکیده)
65 - Uncovering the role of principals in enhancing teacher professional learning in a centralized education system (چکیده)
66 - Application of High-Throughput Sequencing for Comprehensive Virome Profiling in Grapevines Shows Yellows in Iran (چکیده)
67 - Two new species of brush-tailed mouse, genus Calomyscus (Rodentia: Calomyscidae), from the Iranian Plateau (چکیده)
68 - Analysis of Factors Influencing the Motivation for Traveling to Culinary Destinations and Their Effect on Tourists’ Loyalty and Return (چکیده)
69 - Typology of Khānqāh Space in the Architecture of the Islamic Period of Īrān Until the Qājār Period (چکیده)
70 - Morphometrical and Molecular Identification of Echinococcus granulosus Genotypes in peri-urban Wild dogs from an endemic focus in Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
71 - Impact of Family Livelihood on the Spatial Organization of Indigenous Housing in Boshrouye, Iran (چکیده)
72 - Risk factors for drug driving in Iran: A narrative review (چکیده)
73 - Feline dermatoses at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran): 154 cases (2009–2020) (چکیده)
74 - The enforcement of jurisdiction agreements in Iran (چکیده)
75 - Assessment of mean precipitation and precipitation extremes in Iran as simulated by dynamically downscaled RegCM4 (چکیده)
76 - Feminization of the urban planning discipline: developing a gender responsive pedagogy at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
77 - Update and observations on the extraction of ostracods (Crustacea) from the Permian hard carbonate rocks of Iran (چکیده)
78 - Prevalence of bovine herpes virus -1 antibodies in bulk tank milk of dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iran (چکیده)
79 - An Overview of the History of Bellevalia (Asparagaceae: Scilloideae) Infrageneric Classifications and Evaluation of Cilia at Leaf Margins to Determine the Position of Species in the Classification (چکیده)
80 - Estimation of uniaxial compressive strength of Esfandiar Formation limestones using multilayer perceptron neural network north of Tabas city, Iran) (چکیده)
81 - An investigation of the prevalence of equine filariosis in North and Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
82 - Estimation of water balance components by Noah-MP land surface model for the Neyshaboor watershed, Khorasan Razavi, Iran (چکیده)
83 - Veterinary medical education in the 21st century: Old presumptions and new problems- On the occasion of the publishing of the book \\\"A reflection on the veterinary medical education: from theory to practice (چکیده)
84 - Parasitological and molecular study of nosemosis in migratory apiaries in Hormozgan Province, southern Iran (چکیده)
85 - Parasites of Stray Cats in Iran: A Parasitological and Histopathological Study (چکیده)
86 - An updated geographical distribution of minnows (Teleostei: Leuciscinae) in Iran (چکیده)
87 - Stress and Faulting Pattern in the Bam Region, SE Iran, Detected by Fault Instability Criterion and Fry Method (چکیده)
88 - Cysticercosis in Lamb and Goat Meat and Edible Offal Produced In an Abattoir in Iran in 2021 (چکیده)
89 - The spider genus Latrodectus Walckenaer, 1805 (Araneae, Theridiidae) in Iran with the first record of Latrodectus revivensis Shulov, 1948 (چکیده)
90 - The first report on the occurrence of the conodont Iapetognathus in the Ordovician (Tremadocian) of Iran (چکیده)
91 - Bed bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) species in East of Iran (چکیده)
92 - Spatial variability of soil water erosion: Comparing empirical and intelligent techniques (چکیده)
93 - A pricing and inventory control for perishable items with the inflation rate and retailer's returns (چکیده)
94 - Iranian Cinema in Postmodern Costume: How Ghanizadeh’s Maskhareh-baz/ A Hairy Tale (2019) Approaches Postmodern Art (چکیده)
95 - Prevention protocols of endoparasites in cats in some regions of Iran (چکیده)
96 - An investigation on the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on Chickpea yield in Zanjan (چکیده)
97 - Towards an Iranian Catalogue of Life; Lessens from the project\\\" Lepidoptera Iranica\\\" (چکیده)
98 - Polycaprolactone/cress seed mucilage based bilayer antibacterial films containing ZnO nanoparticles with superabsorbent property for the treatment of exuding wounds (چکیده)
99 - Language teacher immunity among Iranian EFL teachers: its possible sources, impacts on classroom practice, and influencing its developmental path (چکیده)
100 - Language Teacher Immunity among Iranian EFL Teachers: A Self-Organization Perspective (چکیده)
101 - Intensifying heatwave trends in Iran based on observational data using excess heat factor (EHF) (چکیده)
102 - Ethnobotanical studies in Iran’s rangelands (چکیده)
103 - Information Organization in Iranian Libraries and Information Centers: Trends (چکیده)
104 - A new species of brush-tailed mice of the genus Calomyscus from southern Iran (Calomyscidae: Rodentia) (چکیده)
105 - Extending the stratigraphic range of Nummulites bormidiensis Tellini in the Neo-Tethys (Zagros basin, SE Iran) through biometry and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy (چکیده)
106 - Fluctuation of the prevalence of beak and feather disease virus in captive psittacines in Iran (چکیده)
107 - Detection of Trypanosoma evansi infection in the one humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) from Northern of Iran using real time PCR (چکیده)
108 - Climatology of cold spots and LST minimums in Iran using high-resolution satellite data (چکیده)
109 - Social and environmental nudges and water usage: Evidence from a field experiment in Iran (چکیده)
110 - Near-term temperature extremes in Iran using the decadal climate prediction project (DCPP) (چکیده)
111 - Nutlet micromorphology study of some species of Thymus L. (Lamiaceae) in NE Iran (چکیده)
112 - Survival of experimentally buried large, winged seeds from open sandy habitats defies the established theory of relatedness between seed size, shape, and longevity (چکیده)
113 - Compulsory Licenses of Patented Inventions in Iranian Law (چکیده)
114 - Biostratigraphy, microfacies and reservoir quality of the Oligocene Qom Formation (Kharzan section, Northwest of Ardestan, Central Iran) (چکیده)
115 - Post-collisional ultrapotassic volcanic rocks and ultramafic xenoliths in the Eslamieh Peninsula, NW Iran: Petrological and geochemical constraints on mantle source and metasomatism (چکیده)
116 - Introduction: A Beginning to the Socio-historical Study of Religion in Greater Khurāsān (چکیده)
117 - Molecular typing of avian Escherichia coli isolates by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) (چکیده)
118 - Detection of verotoxin (Shiga-like toxin)-producing and eae harboring Escherichia coli in some wild captive and domestic Equidae and Canidae (چکیده)
119 - Detection of Salmonella spp. from some wild captive herbivores in Iran and determination of serogroup, antibiotic susceptibility and presence of invA gene in the isolated strains (چکیده)
120 - Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Iran: Time to Look Closer (چکیده)
121 - An Overview of Digital Dermatitis in Iran (چکیده)
122 - Illegal Wildlife Trades and Ecological Consequences: A Case Study of the Bird Market in Fereydunkenar, Iran (چکیده)
123 - The first molecular isolation of Halicephalobus gingivalis from horses in Iran (چکیده)
124 - Future Research on Geo-Economic Relations between Iran and Africa (چکیده)
125 - Toward a persuasive academic library website (چکیده)
126 - Contribution of biophysical and climate variables to the spatial distribution of wildfires in Iran (چکیده)
127 - Cadomian tectonic evolution of Iran: records of an unusually hot and broad extensional convergent margin on the northern margin of Gondwana (چکیده)
128 - Assessing a multi-method approach for dryland soil salinization with respect to climate change and global warming – The example of the Bajestan region (NE Iran) (چکیده)
129 - Epidemiological study on equine coccidiosis in North and Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
130 - Religion and punishment in the post-revolutionary Iran from the durkheimian perspective (چکیده)
131 - Verification of the Minor Snake-eyed Skink, Ablepharus grayanus (Stoliczka, 1872) (Sauria: Scincidae), from Iran (چکیده)
132 - Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolated from humans and animals in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
133 - Investigating the Prevalence of i>Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis/i> (MAP) in Industrial Dairy herds using Ziehl-Neelsen Staining, Culture, and PCR in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
134 - Epistemic Systems and Protective Belt of Iranian Foreign Policy: A Combined Theoretical Analysis (چکیده)
135 - Diffuse and Massive Endocardial Sarcocystosis in a Lamb (چکیده)
136 - Karyological studies of Iranian Allium (Amaryllidaceae) species with a focus on sect. Acanthoprason. 2. Meiotic chromosomes (چکیده)
137 - Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Farrokhi Formation and determination of the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary in Central Iran (چکیده)
138 - Genetic Diversity of Urial Population in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
139 - Habitat characteristics, ecology and biodiversity drivers of plant communities associated with Cousinia edmondsonii, an endemic and critically endangered species in NE Iran (چکیده)
140 - Child Labor and Unemployment: a Tale of Two Associations in Urban and Rural Areas in Iran (چکیده)
141 - Generating transition policy scenarios for university–industry collaboration in Iran using systems thinking (چکیده)
142 - همسانه‌سازی و بررسی تبارزایی دایه‌های ایرانی narcissus latent virus براساس ترادف نوکلئوتیدی ناحیه ’3 ژنوم (چکیده)
144 - Prevalence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosisin subclinically infected dairy cattle in Mashhad by ZiehlNeelsenstaining, culture, and PCR (چکیده)
145 - Evaluation of Aflatoxins Levels in Nuts in Selected Military-owned Chain Stores in Tehran, Iran (چکیده)
146 - Provenance analysis and maturity of the Rayen River sediments in Central Iran: based on geochemical evidence (چکیده)
147 - Spatiotemporal changes in Iranian rivers’ discharge (چکیده)
148 - Snow water equivalent prediction in a mountainous area using hybrid bagging machine learning approaches (چکیده)
149 - Model identification and accuracy for estimation of suspended sediment load (چکیده)
150 - A regional study of the fugitive methane emissions from the gas distribution system in Iran by direct measurement (چکیده)
151 - Articulating School Principals’ Leadership and Core Values: Evidence From Iran (چکیده)
152 - Primary minerals and mantle peridotites in Late Cretaceous ophiolites of Iran: a review (چکیده)
153 - Evaluating the Effect of Value Added Tax on the Performance of Enterprises (Case Study: Manufacturing and Service Industries in the Khorasan Provinces) (چکیده)
154 - Clinical and mycological features of dermatophytosis in domestic cats at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Veterinary Teaching Hospital (چکیده)
156 - Translation of multilingual films in Iran in Persian dubbing (چکیده)
157 - الحمایة الجنائیة للمسؤولین الحکومیین فی القانون العراقی والمصری والایرانی (دراسة مقارنة) (چکیده)
158 - الحمایة الجنائیة للموظف او المکلف بخدمة عامة(المجنی علیه) فی القانون الایرانی و العراقی و المصری (چکیده)
159 - Royal Gardens in Republican Iran: a case study of the Golestan Palace Garden, Tehran (چکیده)
160 - Occurrence, Virulence Characteristics, and Serogroups of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Isolated from Sheep and Goats in Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
161 - Sedimentology, geochemistry, and geomorphology of a dry-lake playa, NE Iran: implications for paleoenvironment (چکیده)
162 - A contribution to the knowledge of the genus Andrena Fabricius from Iran (چکیده)
163 - Exploring the spatial structure of Toon historical town courtyard houses: topological characteristics of the courtyard based on a configuration approach (چکیده)
164 - Vascular flora of Zarrin-Kuh Protected Area in Central Kopet Dagh Mountains, NE Iran: An annotated checklist (چکیده)
165 - Genetic diversity and population structure of Iranian Beet yellows virus based on the nucleotide sequences of coat protein (چکیده)
166 - Analyzing the effects of tourism development on the reconstruction of earthquake‑stricken villages in Changoreh Avaj in Iran (چکیده)
167 - Evaluating the onset, end, and length of seasons in selected stations in Iran (چکیده)
168 - Distribution, risk assessment, and source identification of traces metal pollution along the Babolsar coastal area, Caspian Sea (چکیده)
169 - Cysticercus bovis infection in slaughtered cattle in Mashhad abattoir (چکیده)
170 - Evaluation of bioclimatic design strategies in Esfahak village using Mahoney method (چکیده)
171 - Review of Androctonus baluchicus (Pocock, 1900) with description of new species from Iran (Scorpiones: Buthidae) (چکیده)
172 - Karyological studies of Iranian Bebreris integerrima (Berberidaceae) (چکیده)
173 - Brassicaceae in Iran; a review on endemism, diversity, and biogeography (چکیده)
174 - Measuring emotions during epistemic activities: Psychometric validation of the Persian epistemic emotions scale (چکیده)
175 - Phylogenetic Study of the Recent Outbreak of Avian Influenza H5 Subtype in Turkeys of East Azerbaijan in 2018 (چکیده)
176 - Molecular characterization of circulating avian metapneumovirus, subgroup B, in broiler chickens, Iran, 2016-2018 (چکیده)
178 - Evaluation of Zayandehroud basin health in the Iranian plateau (چکیده)
179 - High–Demand Medicinal Plants of Herbal Markets in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
180 - Information society of Iran in comparison to Turkey: progress and achievements (چکیده)
181 - On the Existence of Summer Shamal Wind Induced by the Zagros Mountains in the Middle East (چکیده)
182 - Stock Market Returns in Iran in Three Waves of COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence of Multiple Breaks Regression (چکیده)
183 - Gradual warming prior to the end‐Permian mass extinction (چکیده)
184 - Molecular serotyping of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) of animal origin in Iran reveals the presence of important non-O157 seropathotypes (چکیده)
185 - Systemic evaluation of human resources risks in the public sector (چکیده)
186 - Effect of knowledge resources on innovation and the mediating role of dynamic capabilities: case of medical tourism sector in Iran (چکیده)
187 - A Success Story in Controlling Sand and Dust Storms Hotspots in the Middle East (چکیده)
188 - A review on Babesia spp and tick vectors in animals in Iran (چکیده)
189 - The gabbro-diorite magmatism from the Narm area, western Kuh-e-Sarhangi (Central Iran): Evolution from Eocene magmatic flare up to Miocene asthenosphere upwelling (چکیده)
190 - Clonal relatedness and antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella serovars isolated from humans and domestic animals in Iran: a one health perspective (چکیده)
191 - الگوی مصرف الکل و مواد و رانندگی خطرساز در ایرانAlcohol and drug use patterns and impaired driving in Iran (چکیده)
192 - New data on the wolf spiders of Iran (Arachnida: Aranei: Lycosidae), with a description of two new species (چکیده)
193 - A country-wide assessment of Iran's land subsidence susceptibility using satellite-based InSAR and machine learning (چکیده)
194 - Orientalism in Iranian Academic Curriculum (چکیده)
195 - TRMM-Based Analysis of Seasonal Convective and Stratiform Rainfall Cycles in Iran (چکیده)
196 - Climatology of cyclones in western and northwestern Iran using reanalysis and remote sensing data (چکیده)
197 - Spatiotemporal Variability, Trend, and Change-Point of Precipitation Extremes and Their Contribution to the Total Precipitation in Iran (چکیده)
198 - Critical analysis of the representation of government in cyberspace; case study of the Islamic Republic of Iran (چکیده)
199 - Astragalus durandianus (sect. Trachycercis) as an Iranian endemic species: emended description, distribution, and conservation (چکیده)
200 - New record of black fungus gnat (Diptera: Sciaroidea, Sciaridae) from Iran, with a first record for the fauna of the Middle East (چکیده)
201 - Molecular phylogenetics of some Iranian Cyperus L. (Cyperaceae) species inferred from plastid gene marker (چکیده)
202 - The effect of cash flow information asymmetry criteria on conservatism in Iran (چکیده)
203 - Dubbing Varieties in the Iranian Mediascape: Typology Revisited (چکیده)
204 - Two fossilized swamps containing in situ Sphenophyta stems, rhizomes, and root systems from the Middle Jurassic Hojedk Formation, Kerman area (Iran) (چکیده)
205 - A Criticism of Partial Award No. 604 of Iran-US Claims Tribunal in its Interpretation of Iranian Properties under Paragraph 9 of Algiers General Declarations (چکیده)
206 - امکان سنجی حقوقی تعقیب مقامات آمریکایی وضع کنندۀ تحریم علیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران در دیوان بین المللی کیفری (چکیده)
207 - The role of ENSO in atmospheric water vapor variability during cold months over Iran (چکیده)
208 - Comparing Polish and Iranian Women’s Silence in a University Setting (چکیده)
209 - Floristic composition and phytogeographical spectrum of Pistacia vera L. woodland remnants in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
210 - Translation Solutions in Professional Video Game Localization in Iran (چکیده)
211 - محیط رسوبی نهشته های سیلیسی آواری ژوراسیک در حوضه رسوبی بینالود، با توه به منشأ و تکتونیک قدیمه، شمال غرب مشهد، ایران (چکیده)
212 - Acute Venom Toxicity Determinations for Five Iranian Vipers and a Scorpion (چکیده)
213 - Toward a carnivalesque analysis of hacking: A qualitative study of Iranian hackers (چکیده)
214 - Systems Evaluation of University-Industry Collaboration Efficiency in Iran: Current Situation and Proposed Policy Framework (چکیده)
215 - A prediction model for valuing in the premier gootball league of iran (چکیده)
216 - the relationship between cultural intelligence and transformational leadership style and demographic states of Iranian sports students community managers (چکیده)
217 - The Effect of Climatic Gradient on Variations in Taxonomic and Functional Plant Diversity (چکیده)
218 - The Influence of Dense Planting System on the Technical Efficiency of Saffron Production and Land Use Sustainability: Empirical Evidence from Gonabad County, Iran (چکیده)
219 - Responses of surface water quality to future land cover and climate changes in the Neka River basin, Northern Iran (چکیده)
220 - Classification of synoptic weather clusters associated with dust accumulation over southeastern areas of the Caspian Sea (Northeast Iran and Karakum desert) (چکیده)
221 - Perceived Risk in Women with High Risk Pregnancy (چکیده)
222 - Monitoring udder health status using somatic cell counts in Holstein dairy herds located in north east of Iran and effectiveness of 10-point mastitis control program (چکیده)
223 - Genetic variation and cytological diversity in the Urar Brush-tailed Mouse, Calomyscus urartensis Vorontsov & Kartavseva, 1979 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Lesser Caucasia (چکیده)
224 - Psychometric properties of the childhood executive functioning inventory (CHEXI): A confirmatory factor analysis and measurement invariance by sex and age in Iranian children (چکیده)
225 - Employing Eye Tracking in Quantifying and Qualifying Visual Attention of Web Site Viewers (Physical Education Faculties) (چکیده)
227 - An Integrated Perspective on Virulence-Associated Genes (VAGs), Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), and Phylogenetic Clusters of Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic Avian Escherichia coli (چکیده)
228 - Textures and chemical compositions of the Narm iron oxide-apatite deposit in Kuh-e-Sarhangi District (Central Iran): Insights into the magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization (چکیده)
229 - Mashhad urban management practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study to identify challenges, current and future measures (چکیده)
230 - The effect of the Mongol invasion on the townscape of Iranian cities (چکیده)
231 - A Checklist of the bees of the genus Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae) of Iran (چکیده)
232 - The Final Game of the Great Game (چکیده)
233 - Investigating the impact of a novel transparent nano-insulation in building windows on thermal comfort conditions and energy consumptions in different climates of Iran (چکیده)
234 - Future Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over Iran: Insight from a CMIP6 Bias-Corrected Multi-Model Ensemble (چکیده)
235 - A revised infrageneric classification of Bellevalia Lapeyr. (Asparagaceae: Scilloideae) based on molecular analysis (چکیده)
236 - A new record of the Permian ammonoid family Cyclolobidae from Julfa (NW Iran) (چکیده)
238 - Effect of wind speed variation on rainfed wheat production evaluated by the CERES-Wheat model (چکیده)
239 - Examining Drinking Water Security in Rural Areas of Iran: Perspectives from a Quantitative Analysis (چکیده)
240 - Religious Fundamentalism and Quest as Predictors of Moral Foundations Among Iranian Muslims (چکیده)
241 - Agent-Based Approach to Configure Processes in Iran’s Banking Service Supply Chain (چکیده)
242 - The Changhsingian (Late Permian) ammonoids from Baghuk Mountain (Central Iran) (چکیده)
243 - Improving estimation of missing data in historical monthly precipitation by evolutionary methods in the semi-arid area (چکیده)
244 - Impact of Targeted Subsidies Implementation on Inequality in Iranian Rural Area (Case Study: Villages of Neishabour County) (چکیده)
245 - Long-Term Variability of Dust Events in Southwestern Iran and Its Relationship with the Drought (چکیده)
246 - Historical variability and future changes in seasonal extreme temperature over Iran (چکیده)
247 - Examining the Effective Factors on the fans and spectators attendance in the Iranian Handball Premier League (چکیده)
249 - The first record of the Floian (Early Ordovician) conodonts in the EastCentral Iran (Kalmard Block) (چکیده)
250 - Assessment of the age friendly city indicators in Mashhad focusing on urban managers and the elderly (چکیده)
251 - The role of social capital on the resilience of rural settlements against flood risk (Study area of Mian Jam rural district, Torbat-e Jam city, Khorasan Razavi province. Iran) (چکیده)
252 - Child-friendly kindergarten architecture: Perspectives of children in Iran (چکیده)
253 - Biostratigraphy of Baghamshah Formation based on calcareous nannofossils in the Southwest Tabas, Iran (چکیده)
254 - Blankenbyl, Heinrich (چکیده)
255 - 36 J.Vet.Parasitol.200-0064-480/$2.50 © IAAVP, India PCR-RFLP for the identification Theileria spp. in dairy cattle and Hyalomma anatolicum in North East Iran (چکیده)
256 - Environmentally responsive design in the vernacular architecture of mountainous regions. The case of Kang village, Iran (چکیده)
257 - Revision of the mining bee subgenus Andrena (Longandrena) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Andrenidae) (چکیده)
258 - Anti-Systemic Revolutionary Countries in the International System: Islamic Republic of Iran and Religious Branding (چکیده)
259 - New and revised small shelly fossil record from the lower Cambrian of northern Iran (چکیده)
260 - In Memory of Professor Ebrahim Behdad (چکیده)
261 - Whole genome characterization of wisteria vein mosaic virus from Iran and its relationship to other members of bean common mosaic virus group (چکیده)
262 - Characterization, geostatistical modeling and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in groundwater resources of northeastern Iran (چکیده)
263 - Jurisprudential and legal study of concealing messages and using of subliminal stimuli with emphasis on Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law (چکیده)
264 - Recognition of factors and challenges affecting the research on the library and information science in Iran (چکیده)
265 - New data on the genus Karakumosa Logunov & Ponomarev,2020 (Araneae: Lycosidae) from Iran (چکیده)
266 - Cultural Mediation and Gatekeeping in Dubbing of American Feature Films on Iranian Television (چکیده)
267 - Impacts of climate change on rangelands vegetation under different climate scenarios in Iran (چکیده)
268 - We live in cloud computing world, without using it in our libraries (چکیده)
270 - Observation of the long-period monotonic seismic waves of the November 11, 2018, Mayotte event by Iranian broadband seismic stations (چکیده)
271 - Comparison of petrological and geochemical characteristics of three different types of Eocene copper-gold mineralization in eastern Iran (چکیده)
272 - Introducing a new anti-i>Rhipicephalus/i> (i>Boophilus/i>) microplus tick recombinant vaccine candidate using cathepsin and tropomyosin multi-epitope gene (چکیده)
273 - Rodent Species Diversity and Occurrence of Leishmania in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
274 - Examining the Effective Factors on Villagers’ Tendency to Retrofitting of Rural Housing in Iran (چکیده)
275 - Analysis of Key Propellants Affecting the Formation of Smart Rural Development in Iran (چکیده)
277 - Phthiria notiosa sp. nov., a new bombyliid species of the tribe Phthiriini (Diptera, Bombyliidae, Phthiriinae) from Kerman province in the south of Iran (چکیده)
278 - Seroprevalence of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus in one-humped camelsand itsribonucleic acid in ticks attached to one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) imported from Pakistan into Iran (چکیده)
279 - Prevalence and Genetic Diversity of Avian Haemosporidian Parasites in Southern Iran (چکیده)
280 - A first outline of the Quaternary landscape evolution of the Kashaf Rud River basin in the drylands of northeastern Iran (چکیده)
281 - Active tectonic stress field analysis in NW Iran-SE Turkey using earthquake focal mechanism data (چکیده)
282 - Molecular prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in sheep from Isfahan, Iran as detected in heart samples by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) (چکیده)
283 - Spatial distribution of stable isotopes (18O and2H) in precipitation and groundwater in Iran (چکیده)
284 - Transport Diplomacy in the Silk Road: Roles and Expectations (چکیده)
285 - Analysis of the molecular and biological variability of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus isolates from Iran and Iraq (چکیده)
286 - Predicting range shifts of three endangered endemic plants of the Khorassan-Kopet Dagh floristic province under global change (چکیده)
287 - Philosophy of education in a new key: Reflectionon higher education in Iran (چکیده)
289 - A new species of Astragalus L. sect. Caraganella (Papilionaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
290 - Effect of Social networks on entrepreneurship IN IRAN (چکیده)
291 - Winter warming detection using temperature and precipitation anomalies in arid and semi-arid areas (چکیده)
292 - A pathological analysis of challenges related to systems thinking studies in Iran (چکیده)
293 - Projection of future extreme precipitation in Iran based on CMIP6 multi-model ensemble (چکیده)
294 - Thubon (چکیده)
295 - Estimating shear wave velocity of soil using standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts in Mashhad city (چکیده)
296 - A retrospective survey of liver flukes in livestock based on abattoir data in Kermanshah, west of Iran (چکیده)
297 - Psychosocial Consequences of Female Infertility in Iran: A Meta-Analysis (چکیده)
298 - Holocene sea-level changes of the Persian Gulf (چکیده)
299 - Biostratigraphy of the Gurpi Formation (Zagros Basin, western Iran) based on planktonic foraminifera (چکیده)
300 - Characterization of Psychrophilic and Psychrotolerant Cultivable Bacteria in Alpine Soil in Iran (چکیده)
301 - Molecular detection of Theileria spp. and Babesia spp. in sheep and vector ticks in Ramsar and Tonkabon areasofMazandaran Province, Iran (چکیده)
302 - Influence of faulting on porosity and permeability features of carbonate rocks, Kardeh fault, NE Iran (چکیده)
303 - Achillea eriophora DC.: An ethnobotanical, pharmacological and phytochemical review (چکیده)
304 - Qualitative Demographic Evaluation of Fertility among Iranian Married Women (چکیده)
305 - Assessing vegetation restoration potential under different land uses and climatic classes in northeast Iran (چکیده)
306 - Prevalence of Haemosporidian Parasite Infections in Raptors of Iran (چکیده)
307 - Drought and Property Prices: Empirical Evidence from Provinces of Iran (چکیده)
308 - The worlds easternmost natural stands of Cupressus sempervirens L. (Cupressaceae) in the Hyrcanian Forest of Iran (چکیده)
309 - The effects of biocrusts on soil parameters in a semi-arid pediment at north-eastern Iran (چکیده)
310 - Investigation of Nitrate and Nitrite Concentration in Drinking Water of some Universities of Iran (چکیده)
311 - The Effects of Green Tax Implementation on Labor Demand in Iranian Industry Sector (چکیده)
312 - A contribution to ethnobotany and review of phytochemistry and biological activities of the Iranian local endemic species Sclerorhachis leptoclada Rech.f. (چکیده)
313 - Production of angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitory peptides in Iranian ultrafiltered white cheese prepared with Lactobacillus brevis KX572382 (چکیده)
314 - Leading Higher Education in Iran during COVID - 19 Pandemic: Reporting the Policies and Progresses (چکیده)
315 - Synchrony and Translation Quality in Persian Unauthorized Dubbing in Iran (چکیده)
316 - Comparative analysis of the versatility of the Persian garden and park patterns as urban spaces in Iran (چکیده)
317 - Characterization of Beet curly top Iran virus infecting eggplant and pepper in north-eastern Iran (چکیده)
318 - A comparative study of the evaluation system of primary education in Syria with Iran (چکیده)
319 - Schizophyllan production by newly isolated fungus Schizophyllum commune IBRC-M 30213: optimization of culture medium using response surface methodology (چکیده)
320 - Contagious Diseases and its Consequences in the Late Qajar Period Mashhad (1892–1921) (چکیده)
321 - Perception versus reality: Iranian banks and international anti-money laundering expectations (چکیده)
323 - Factors Affecting the Risk of Fraudulent Financial Reporting 1 in Iraq and Iran (چکیده)
324 - Assessment of Virtual Water Flows in Iran Using a Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis (چکیده)
325 - Dignity in Iranian cancer patients: a qualitative approach (چکیده)
326 - Factors influencing the acceptance and use of a bicycle sharing system: Applying an extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (چکیده)
327 - Comparative Efficacy of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness Therapy on Reducing Symptoms and Improving Quality of life in Patients with the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (چکیده)
328 - A Cross-cultural Comparative Study of Identity Status in Three Distinct Groups of Women Irainian, Lebanese and Lebanese Residents in Iran (چکیده)
329 - 61 Girls with Absolute Celibacy in Iran: Why-ness and their comparative adjustment in life with married counterparts (چکیده)
330 - Energy flow analysis for rice production in different geographical regions of Iran (چکیده)
331 - Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Dalichai Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the eastern and central Alborz Mountains (North Iran) based on calcareous nannofossils (چکیده)
332 - Future projection of the effects of climate change on saffron yield and spatial-temporal distribution of cultivation by incorporating the effect of extreme climate indices (چکیده)
333 - A Museum of Adaptation and the Cinema of Iranian Diaspora (چکیده)
334 - Predictors of Personalization in a Case of Iranian Affordable Housing: The Impacts of Housing Statuses, Dwelling’s Physical Characteristics, and Household Demographics (چکیده)
335 - Investigating the Influential Factors on Mobile Learning to Public Libraries of Iran based on FRAME Model (چکیده)
336 - Validation of the SMOS Level 1C Brightness Temperature and Level 2 Soil Moisture Data over the West and Southwest of Iran (چکیده)
337 - Scorpions of Iran (Arachnida: Scorpiones): Annotated checklist, DELTA database and identification key (چکیده)
338 - Exploring the Relationship between Adolescents’ Use of Public Libraries and Their Academic Achievement (چکیده)
339 - Comparison of autogenous and commercial H9N2 avian influenza vaccines in a challenge with recent dominant virus (چکیده)
340 - Molecular Monitoring of D1466 Genotype of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus In Iran: A Retrospective Study (2013-2017) (چکیده)
341 - Spatial spread and emergence of reassortant H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in Iran (چکیده)
342 - The fowl adenovirus (Fadv-11) outbreak in Iranian broiler chicken farms: The first full genome characterization and phylogenetic analysis (چکیده)
343 - Climate change influences on the potential distribution of Dianthus polylepis Bien. ex Boiss. (Caryophyllaceae), an endemic species in the Irano-Turanian region (چکیده)
344 - New geographic records of Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, Iran (چکیده)
345 - Ostracods from the end‐Permian mass extinction in the Aras Valley section (north‐west Iran) (چکیده)
346 - The impact of personal characteristics, quality of working life and psychological well-being on job burnout among Iranian external auditors (چکیده)
347 - Quantitative analysis of relative active tectonics using geomorphic indices in Band-Golestan basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
348 - The impact of ownership structure on the cost of equity in emerging markets (چکیده)
349 - Corporate Governance and Cost of Equity: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
350 - Assessing Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy in Iran with Focus on Development of Wind Power Plants (چکیده)
351 - Phylogeny of Acanthophyllum s.l. revisited: An update on generic concept and sectional classification (چکیده)
352 - The use of fuzzy analytical network process (FUZZY ANP) prioritize the factors affecting environmental performance indicators from the perspective of export food industry (چکیده)
353 - Simulation of water balance equation components using SWAT model in Samalqan Watershed (Iran) (چکیده)
354 - <p><strong><em>Allium</em> <em>schisticola</em>, a new species with peculiar morphological characters and an unexpected phylogenetic position</strong></p> (چکیده)
355 - Evaluating the impacts of combating-action programs on desertification hazard trends: A case study of Taybad-Bakharz region, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
356 - A contribution to the knowledge of ground beetles (Col.: Carabidae) fauna of northeastern Iran along with two new records (چکیده)
357 - Tax Avoidance and Corporate Risk: Evidence from a Market Facing Economic Sanction Country (چکیده)
358 - First report of human infestation dermatitis due to chigger mite (Acari: Trombiculidae) in Iran (چکیده)
359 - The occurrence of Neoflabellina bioevents across the Coniacian/Santonian boundary in the Abderaz Formation, Kopeh-Dagh Basin, Iran (چکیده)
360 - Regional Factors Controlling the Type of Pliocene Deposits in the Southeastern Caspian Basin, NE Iran: Implication for Tectono-stratigraphic Analysis (چکیده)
361 - Variability in snowfall/total precipitation-day ratio in Iran (چکیده)
362 - The role of Veterinary Medicine in controlling of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) (چکیده)
363 - A Comparative Study of Employment Competencies of Undergraduate Course of Educational Sciences in Iran and Syria (چکیده)
364 - Heterogeneity of Market Structures in the Iranian Model of Kidney Transplantation (چکیده)
365 - The Role of Postcranial Skeleton Morphology in Species Identification and Phylogeny Inferences: Gerbillinae (Rodentia: Muridae) as a Case Study (چکیده)
366 - Seroepidemiological feature of Chlamydia abortus in sheep and goat ‎population located in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
367 - Filarial worms: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diversity in animals from Iran with emphasis on human cases (چکیده)
369 - Assessment of Rural Tourism Brand Effects on Improving the Quality of Life in Rural area of Iran (A Case Study of Binalud County) (چکیده)
370 - Three new species of eriophyid mites (Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) associated with Leguminosae species from semi-arid and arid environment in East Iran (چکیده)
371 - <p><strong>Typification and an emended description of <em>Astragalus moussavii </em>(Fabaceae, Papilionoideae)</strong></p> (چکیده)
372 - The Dynamics of the Exchange Rate and Extension of Monetary Trilemma (Iran Economy Case Study) (چکیده)
373 - Simulation the Effects of climate change and market prices on farm’s structure by using an agent based model (چکیده)
374 - When American Dramatists come from Hollywood to Iranian Cinema: Socio-Semiotic Exchange in Literary Adaptation (چکیده)
375 - The necessity of anti-money laundering standards for Iranian auditors (چکیده)
376 - Anti-money laundering developments in Iran Do Iranian banks have an integrated framework for money laundering deterrence? (چکیده)
377 - The dance of knowledge management strategies in libraries: The case of the libraries of the Iranian universities of medical science (چکیده)
378 - Facies analysis and depositional setting of the upper pliocene Akchagyl Formation in southeastern Caspian Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
379 - Depositional history and sequence stratigraphy of central Tethyan from the Upper Triassic Nayband Formation, Central Iran (چکیده)
380 - Public health aspects of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains in sheep and goats of Bakhtiari pastoral tribe, Iran (چکیده)
381 - 840th species of genus Astragalus (Fabaceae) for the flora of Iran from Khorassan Province as a new record: A. globiceps Bunge (چکیده)
382 - Two new species of Cotoneaster (Rosaceae, subgen. Chaenopetalum) for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
383 - Borda paradox in the 2017 Iranian presidential election: empirical evidence from opinion polls (چکیده)
384 - Fiction Translation Expectancy Norms in Iran: A Quantitative Study of Reception (چکیده)
385 - Dubbing Viewers in Cyberspaces: A Netnographic Investigation of the Attitudes of a Persian-language Online Community (چکیده)
386 - <p class="Body"><strong>Three new <em>Aceria </em>spp. (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) associated to <em>Artemisia</em> spp.<em> </em>(Compositae) from South Khorasan province, East Iran </strong></p><p class="Body"> </p> (چکیده)
387 - The Issues of Culture and Politics in Redubbing Anglophone Films in Iran (چکیده)
388 - Full genome characterization of Iranian H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus from Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix), 2017: The first report (چکیده)
389 - Molecular Detection of Gamma Coronaviruses in Birds Parks, Iran (چکیده)
390 - Appropriate distribution for standardaized precipitation index SPI in arid and semi-arid environments (چکیده)
391 - Assessment of short- and long-term memory in trends of major climatic variables over Iran: 1966–2015 (چکیده)
392 - Assessing national human footprint and implications for biodiversity conservation in Iran (چکیده)
393 - Palaeoenvironment, sequence stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Mehdi Abad, Yazd Block, Central Iran (چکیده)
394 - Insights into Iranian younger audience of Persian amateur subtitling: a reception study (چکیده)
395 - The Optimal Allocation of Iran s Natural Gas (چکیده)
396 - Contamination control in Iranian seedless barberry micropropagation (چکیده)
397 - A study on isolation and molecular identification of Bordetella avium from Iranian commercial and backyard broiler turkeys; 2016-2018 (چکیده)
398 - Middle Eocene magmatism in the Khur region (Lut Block, Eastern Iran): implications for petrogenesis and tectonic setting (چکیده)
399 - Molecular serotyping of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) of animal sources in Iran (چکیده)
400 - Revised diagnosis of the camel spider Rhagodes ahwazensis Kraus, 1959 (Solifugae: Rhagodidae), a rare endemic species from SW Iran (چکیده)
401 - A new record of Lepidium (Brassicaceae) for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
402 - Intercultural sensitivity: A comparative study among Business English Undergraduate Learners in two Countries of Iran and China (چکیده)
403 - Assessing early warning for desertification hazard based on E-SMART indicators in arid regions of northeastern Iran (چکیده)
404 - Molecular identification and new host record for Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Ocimum basilicum in Iran (چکیده)
406 - Dynamic Poverty Analysis in Rural Areas of Iran (چکیده)
407 - Patterns of Seismic Moment Release from Moment Tensor Inversion of M6+ Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences in Iran 2010-2019 (چکیده)
408 - Media Localization in Iran: Pitfalls in Research and Practice (چکیده)
409 - Empidideicus jirofti sp. nov. (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae: Empidideicinae),  a new microbombyliid from Kerman province, southern Iran, with a key to species of Empidideicus from Iran (چکیده)
410 - Investigating the effects of climate change on stream flows of Urmia Lake basin in Iran (چکیده)
411 - Infection of Afghan Pika (Ochotona rufescens) with Oxyurid Worms in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
412 - Language Learners Imagined Communities: Model and Questionnaire Development in the Iranian Context (چکیده)
413 - Impact of Industrial Agglomeration on Productivity: Evidence from Iran’s Food Industry (چکیده)
414 - Urban planning in ancient cities of Iran: understanding the meaning of urban form in the Sasanian city of Ardašīr-Xwarrah (چکیده)
415 - Investigation of fractal market hypothesis and forecasting time series stock returns for Tehran Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange (چکیده)
418 - PCR assay targeting nox gene (NADH oxidase) for rapid identification of Brachyspiracanis in dogs (چکیده)
419 - Ixodid ticks infesting dogs in Torbat-e-Heidareih and Mashhad areas, Khorasan Razavi province. Iran (چکیده)
420 - Is Everything a Challenge for Multiple Sclerosis patients? Nonverbal Semantic Memory Performance in Iranian Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients (چکیده)
421 - Jurassic Biostratigraphy in the Persian Gulf, South of Iran (چکیده)
422 - petrography and geochemistry of the late campanian silisiclastic rocks in the Kopet-Dagh basin NE Iran, implication for provenance and paleoclimate condition (چکیده)
423 - Contemporary sociopolitical functions of the “Allahu Akbar” ritual speech act in today’s Muslim communities: A focus on Iranian society (چکیده)
424 - Calcareous nannofossils from chalky limestone intervals of the Abderaz formation in the Kopet Dagh range, NE Iran (چکیده)
426 - Taxonomic Issues of Rodents of Iran (چکیده)
427 - Morphological and morphometric characterization of the new records of the East European vole (Microtus levis Miller, 1908) from northeast Iran (چکیده)
428 - Rodent-borne diseases and their public health importance in Iran (چکیده)
429 - In memoriam Jamshid Darvish (چکیده)
430 - Distribution and phylogenetic analysis of the 3′UTR and coat protein gene of Iranian Beet black scorch virus (چکیده)
431 - Study of Psilenchus species in pistachio gardens of Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran (چکیده)
432 - Annotated checklist of the endemic Tetrapoda species of Iran (چکیده)
433 - Annotated checklist of fleas (Insecta: Siphonaptera) and lice (Insecta: Anoplura) associated with rodents in Iran, with new reports of fleas and lice (چکیده)
434 - δ18O and δ2H Characteristics of Moisture Sources and Their Role in Surface Water Recharge in the North-East of Iran (چکیده)
435 - Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Qom Formation in Central Iran (چکیده)
436 - Identification of the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Central Iran Basin (Qom Formation): calcareous nannofossil evidences (چکیده)
437 - Investigation of Participatory Needs Assessment to Prioritize Sustainable Development Indicators of Rural Communities Using Hierarchical Analysis Process (چکیده)
438 - Social Media, Political Discussion, and Political Protest: A Case Study of the 2018 Political Protests in Iran (چکیده)
439 - Investment in L2 learning among Iranian English language learners (چکیده)
440 - Amateur subtitling in a dubbing country: The reception of Iranian audience (چکیده)
441 - Iranian Amateur Subtitling Apparatus: A Qualitative Investigation (چکیده)
442 - مشکلات زائران در پیاده روی اربعین با تاکید بر مسائل بهداشتی و درمانی (چکیده)
443 - Has the targeted subsidy plan improved the life quality of rural households in Iran? (چکیده)
444 - Land subsidence hazard modeling: Machine learning to identify predictors and the role of human activities (چکیده)
445 - Interface between competition law and intellectual property licences in Iran (چکیده)
446 - New insights to the taxonomy of Rhagodes eylandti (Walter, 1889): A remarkable sexually dimorphic species (Solifugae: Rhagodidae) (چکیده)
447 - Ideology Behind the Covers of the Bestselling Books in Iran: Female Narrators in War Literature (چکیده)
448 - Despotism and Translation in Iran: The Case of Naseri House of Translation as the First State Translation Institution (چکیده)
449 - Survey of Bibliotherapy in Hospital Libraries of Iran Based on SWOT Model (چکیده)
450 - Niche modelling of the potential distribution of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus during summer and winter in Iran, to identify gaps in protected area coverage (چکیده)
451 - Early Changhsingian (Late Permian) ammonoids from NW Iran (چکیده)
452 - Irankuh lead-zinc mining district, southern Isfahan, Iran: Evidences of geology, fluid inclusion and isotope geochemistry (چکیده)
453 - The impacts of magnetized water treatment on different morphological and physiological factors of plant species in arid regions (چکیده)
454 - Determining the Economic Value of Water Using Production Functions and Selecting the Optimal Model for Sugar Beet Crop: Case Study of the Gharehghom and Namakzar Basins in Iran (چکیده)
455 - Effects of livestock grazing on soil, plant functional diversity, and ecological traits vary between regions with different climates in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
456 - The Late Permian araxoceratid ammonoids: a case of repetitive temporal and spatial unfolding of homoplastic conch characters (چکیده)
457 - Psychological Consequences of Breast Cancer in Iran: A Meta-Analysis (چکیده)
458 - Kheyr-on-Nessa Amoli, An Iranian Lady Physician in the Gurkani Court of India (چکیده)
459 - Hydrochemical characteristics of inland rivers in Khorasan Razavi Province, North-Eastern Iran (چکیده)
460 - Two new species and an additional record of eriophyoids (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyidae) from semi-arid and arid environments in East Iran (چکیده)
461 - Investigating factors affecting bicycle sharing system acceptability in a developing country: The case of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
462 - Systems analysis of implementing an electronic city in Bojnord, Iran (چکیده)
463 - Iranian Literary Translators’ Emotional Intelligence: Description of Facets (چکیده)
464 - Challenges and problems of Library andInformation Science Research (چکیده)
465 - Compounding effects of human activities and climatic changes on surface water availability in Iran (چکیده)
466 - Sandstone petrography and geochemistry of the Nayband Formation -Upper Triassic, Central Iran-: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting (چکیده)
467 - A first report of Canuellina insignis Gurrney, 1927 -Canuellidae: Copepoda- from The Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman (چکیده)
468 - Biostratigraphy of Large Benthic Foraminifera from Cuisian and Bartonian Limestones from the Torbat-e- Heydarieh region -Central Iran- (چکیده)
470 - Larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy and microfacies analysis from the Ypresian (Ilerdian-Cuisian) limestones in the Sistan Suture Zone (eastern Iran) (چکیده)
471 - Analyzing trends of days with low atmospheric visibility in Iran during 1968–2013 (چکیده)
472 - Additional notes with detailed biometric data on Brachycaudus cerasicola -Mordvilko, 1929- -Hemiptera: Aphididae-, a new record for Iran (چکیده)
473 - The Status of Librarians’ Communication Skills and the Effective Factors in Public Libraries (چکیده)
474 - Climate vulnerability index fluctuation: a case of Iran (چکیده)
475 - Analysis and Frequency of Bovine lymphocyte Antigen BoLA-DRB3.2 Alleles in Iranian Sistani cattle (چکیده)
476 - An Iranian Perspective on Iran–US Relations: Idealists Versus Materialists (چکیده)
477 - Exploring instructional leadership in Iran: A mixed methods study of high- and low-performing principals (چکیده)
478 - Geodetic interpretation of InSAR time series for the M w 6.1 Iran Earthquake, April 5, 2017 (چکیده)
479 - Integrating seismic source inversion, hypocenter relocation, and geodetic data to resolve the source of the M w 6.1 earthquake near Fariman, Iran on 5 April 2017 (چکیده)
480 - The Effect of Job and Motivation on the Knowledge Sharing of Librarians in Public Libraries (چکیده)
481 - Geochronological and geochemical characteristics of the Dehzaman intrusive and volcanic rocks -NE Iran-: Implication for a Cadomian magmatism (چکیده)
482 - Landfill biogas treatment simulation: Mashhad landfill case study (چکیده)
483 - Sporadoceratid ammonoids from the Shotori Range -east-central Iran- – a case of putative gigantism caused by hydraulic sorting? (چکیده)
484 - A prediction model for valuing players in the Premier football league of Iran; International sports studies (چکیده)
485 - Colpoclypeus florus -Walker, 1938- -Hymenoptera: -Eulophidae- record a new genus from Iran (چکیده)
486 - Taxonomic revision of the spider geckos of the genus gamura senso lato Blanford, 1874 (Sauria: Gekkonidae) in the Iranian Plateau (چکیده)
488 - Designing the competitive advantage model to Iranian football club based on team reputation (چکیده)
489 - Comparative assessment of on-farm greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from male-headed and female-headed rice farms in Mazandaran Province, Iran (چکیده)
491 - A new species of Paracedicus Fet, 1993 from Iran (Aranei: Cybaeidae) (چکیده)
492 - Two new species and a new record of the genus Astragalus (Fabaceae) from NE Iran (چکیده)
493 - Voice-over Translation of News Programs on Television: Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
494 - Early Permian Tabulate Corals from the Jamal Formation, East-Central Iran (چکیده)
495 - A survey of alimentaryparasitic infestation in ostrich flocks ofNorth and Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
496 - Seroprevalence of Avian influenza (H9N2) in broilers of Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
497 - A report of several Aspergillosis cases in ostrich flocks of Iran (چکیده)
498 - Seroprevalence of Avian influenza (H9N2) in broilers of Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
499 - Ferula hindukushensis (Apiaceae), a new record for the flora of Iran from Khorassan (چکیده)
500 - Molecular characterization of Mycoplasma synoviae isolated from broiler chickens of West Azarbaijan province by PCR of vlhA gene (چکیده)
501 - Sequence analasis of the VP1 gene in three very virulent Iranian infectious bursal disease virus strains (چکیده)
502 - Aspergillosis outbreaks in ostrich flocks of eastern Iran during 2010–2012 (چکیده)
503 - Seroprevalence of avian influenza (H9N2) in broiler chickens in Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
504 - Antimicrobial susceptibility of one thousand bacterial isolates to five commonly used antibacterial agents in Iranian poultry industry (چکیده)
505 - Has vaccination been successful in control of Brucellosis? (چکیده)
506 - Epidemiological typing of Brucella strains isolated from livestock by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) PCR (چکیده)
507 - Disease occurrence, culling rate and production profile in Iranian Holstein dairy cattle during the early postpartum period (چکیده)
508 - Mirza Ali Hamedani: An Influential Physician in the Qajar Period, Iran (چکیده)
509 - The Effects of Phenolic Compounds in Iranian Propolis Extracts on in vitro Rumen Fermentation, Methane Production and Microbial Population (چکیده)
510 - Sustainability and determining the optimal population based on water resources in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
511 - Investigating the role of collective memory in urban renewal plans (case study: Shohada square's Great Project-Mashhad-Iran) (چکیده)
512 - Risk factors associated with human brucellosis in Iran and recommended strategies for the prevention and control of disease (چکیده)
513 - Investigation of brucellosis as a zoonotic disease in recent ten years in Iran (چکیده)
514 - Distribution of benthic foraminifera along the Iranian coast (چکیده)
515 - Zoophycosichnogenus distribution and paleoenvironmental analysis: examples from the Mississippian Mobarak formation (Alborz Basin, Iran) (چکیده)
516 - Early Mesozoic sedimentary‒tectonic evolution of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent: Evidence from a provenance study of the Nakhlak Group (چکیده)
517 - The involvement of Western Orientalists in cultural heritage affairs during the Pahlavi Era, Iran (1925–1979) (چکیده)
518 - RDA Implementation Issues in the Iranian National Bibliography: An Analysis of Bibliographic Records (چکیده)
519 - Acceptance and Viewpoint of Iranian Catalogers Regarding RDA: The Case of the National Library and Archive of Iran (چکیده)
520 - Two new records of vascular plants for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
522 - Taxonomic revision and phytogeographic studies in Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in the Khorassan provinces of Iran (چکیده)
526 - مقایسه قرابت ژنتیکی برخی از نژادهای گوسفند اهلی ایرانی با برخی از نژادهای خاورمیانه با استفاده از توالی یابی DNA (چکیده)
527 - Geochemical and geochronological evidence for a Middle Permian oceanic plateau fragment in the Paleo-Tethyan suture zone of NE Iran (چکیده)
528 - Big data in Geohazard; pattern mining and large scale analysis of landslides in Iran (چکیده)
529 - Spatiotemporal nexus between the pattern of land degradation and land cover dynamics in Iran (چکیده)
530 - Designing of potential vaccine candidates of fused cathepsin L and tropomyosin genes of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) tick larva (چکیده)
533 - Translators’ Image in Iranian Feature Films: A Sociological Perspective (چکیده)
534 - The Cambrian explosion in Iran: new insights from small shelly fossils of the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in the Soltanieh and Alborz Mountains (چکیده)
535 - Ostracod diversity and environmental conditions of the Aras Valley section (NW-Iran) during the end Permian mass extinction (چکیده)
536 - Spatiotemporal variations of aridity in Iran using high‐resolution gridded data (چکیده)
537 - A survey on the tribes Phaeogenini and Platylabini (Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) with two generic records for the fauna of Iran (چکیده)
538 - Deep Mitochondrial and Morphological Differentiation of Hemidactylus persicus Anderson, 1872 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) in Iran (چکیده)
539 - Natural enemies of Peliococcus kimmericus (Hem: Pseudococcidae) in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
540 - A taxonomic revision of the genus Aethionema s.l. (Brassicaceae) in Iran (چکیده)
541 - A Parasitologic and Molecular Survey of Hepatozoon canis Infection In Stray Dogs In Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
542 - An optimal renewable energy management strategy with and without hydropower using a factor weighted multi-criteria decision making analysis and nation-wide big data - Case study in Iran (چکیده)
543 - Addition of a new insect parasitic nematode, Oscheius tipulae to Iranian fauna (چکیده)
544 - Genetic diversity and biological characterization of sugarcane streak mosaic virus from Iran (چکیده)
545 - Integration of SPOT-5 and ASTER satellite data for structural tracing and hydrothermal alteration mineral mapping: implications for Cu–Au prospecting (چکیده)
546 - Triassic I-type granitoids from the Torbat e Jam area, northeastern Iran: Petrogenesis and implications for Paleotethys tectonics (چکیده)
547 - Exploring the Attitudes and Expectations of Iranian Audiences in Terms of Professional Dubbing into Persian (چکیده)
548 - Contribution to the knowledge of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) of Iran (چکیده)
549 - Faunistic survey of Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) and associated predatory ladybirds in orchards, Yazd Province, Iran (چکیده)
550 - Vector biology and control in Iran: Challenges and opportunities (چکیده)
551 - Report of fungal isolates and their efficacy against Rosaceous longhorn beetle, Osphranteria coerulescens (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (چکیده)
552 - Planktonic foraminifera and dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Cretaceous Abderaz Formation in the Koppeh-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
553 - Assessing a Multivariate Approach Based on Scalogram Analysis for Agricultural Drought Monitoring (چکیده)
554 - Detection of Grillotia erinaceus (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) in Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus, 1758) (Perciformes: Carangidae) from the Persian Gulf (چکیده)
555 - Evidence from detrital chrome spinel chemistry for Paleo-Tethyan intra-oceanic island-arc provenance recorded in Triassic sandstones of the Nakhlak Group, Central Iran (چکیده)
556 - Recent Research and Developments in Information Organization in Iran: A Historical Review (چکیده)
557 - Paleoenvironmental perturbation across the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary of the Kopet-Dagh Basin (NE Iran), inferred from geochemical anomalies and benthic foraminiferal assemblages (چکیده)
558 - Childbearing motivation in engaged couple in Iran: A structural equation model (چکیده)
559 - The Emotional Intelligence of Iranian Prominent Literary Translators across Genders (چکیده)
560 - Genome-wide nucleotide diversity and associations with geography, ploidy level and glucosinolate profiles in Aethionema arabicum (Brassicaceae) (چکیده)
561 - Rumen microbial community of Saanen goats adapted to a high-fiber diet in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
562 - Pre–mass extinction decline of latest Permian ammonoids (چکیده)
563 - Clinical and pathological findings of enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma of goat (چکیده)
564 - Stable isotopes (δD, δ18O and δ13CDIC) characteristics of karstic groundwater in Qori Meydan plain, NE of Iran (چکیده)
565 - Investigating the Origin and Interaction between Karstic and Alluvial Aquifers in NW of Zagros Mountain Range, Iran, Using Isotopic and Geochemical Tools (چکیده)
566 - The Validity of Electronic Contracts from the Perspective of Iranian Law and Imamia Jurisprudence (چکیده)
567 - A new cytotype of the Iranian house mouse, Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 (Rodentia: Muridae), in Birjand region, eastern Iran: Implications for the evolution of sex- autosome translocations (چکیده)
568 - A note on the molecular systematics of the genus Paraschistura (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) in Hari River Basin Iran. J. Ichthyol (چکیده)
569 - The genus Spryginia (Brassicaceae) in Iran and Afghanistan (چکیده)
570 - Multistage dolomitization in the Qal’eh Dokhtar Formation (Middle-Upper Jurassic), Central Iran: petrographic and geochemical evidence (چکیده)
571 - Seroepidemiologcal Investigation of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Stray and Owned Dogs In Alborz Province, Central Iran Using Direct Agglutination Test (چکیده)
572 - Ectoparasites of Stray Dogs in Mazandaran, Gilan and Qazvin Provinces, North and Center of Iran (چکیده)
573 - Cloning, and Molecular Characterization of Polymorphic Iranian Isolate Theileria annulata Surface Protein (Tasp) (چکیده)
574 - Qualitative Evaluation of the Potentials of Mashhad To become an Age-Friendly City (چکیده)
575 - Radiolarian content, fossil traces and REE reveal general bottom anoxia in the Kermanshah Radiolarite basin (West Iran) during the Pliensbacian-early Toarcian (چکیده)
576 - A renewed approach to conservation policy of historical gardens in Iran (چکیده)
577 - Age and origin of subvolcanic rocks from NE Iran: Link between magmatic “flare-up” and mineralization (چکیده)
578 - Dynamics of the population structure and genetic variability within Iranian isolates of grapevine fanleaf virus: evidence for polyphyletic origin (چکیده)
579 - Identification and characterization of a phytoplasma associated with black locust yellow disease in two provinces of Iran (چکیده)
580 - GIS-based Groundwater Spring Potential Mapping Using Data Mining Boosted Regression Tree and Probabilistic Frequency Ratio Models in Iran (چکیده)
581 - Calcic soils as indicators of profound Quaternary climate change in eastern Isfahan, Iran (چکیده)
582 - Phylogeny of Iranian species of the genus Daphnia O. F. Müller, 1785 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) based on morphological characters (چکیده)
583 - “Candidatus Phytoplasma solani” associated with Eucalyptus witches’ broom in Iran (چکیده)
584 - Detection of Hammondia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Sarcocystis spp. by different methods in slaughtered sheep (چکیده)
585 - Assessment of dust activity and dust-plume pathways over Jazmurian Basin, southeast Iran (چکیده)
586 - Geographic variation in morphology of the genus Agamura Blanford, 1874 in Iran (چکیده)
587 - A tectono-stratigraphic record of an extensional basin: the Lower Jurassic Ab-Haji Formation of east-central Iran (چکیده)
588 - Facies Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Qal’eh Dokhtar Formation (Middle–Upper Jurassic) in the West of B oshrouyeh, East Central Iran (چکیده)
589 - Molecular characterization of two sugarcane streak mosaic virus isolates from Iran with emphasis on its population structure (چکیده)
590 - The impact of Iran Central Bank’s sanction on Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
591 - Pre-mass extinction decline of latest Permian Ammonoids (چکیده)
592 - A Mixed Methods Study of the Relationship Between Cultural Capital of Senior High School English Teachers and Their Self-Efficacy in Iran’s English Language Classrooms (چکیده)
593 - Morphological and Molecular (28S rDNA) characterization of Dactylogyrus spp. in Cyprinus carpio and Ctenopharyngodon idella in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
594 - Willingness to Receive Treatment for Hepatitis C among Injecting Drug Users on Methadone Program: Implications for Education and Treatment (چکیده)
595 - Review of the tribe Chilocorini Mulsant from Iran (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) (چکیده)
596 - Didactics of Audiovisual Translation in Iran So Far: Prospects and Solutions (چکیده)
597 - Predicting the impact of climate change on the distribution pattern of Agamura persica (Dumeril, 1856) (Squamata: Gekkonidae) in Iran (چکیده)
598 - بررسی ناحیه HVR - III ژنوم میتوکندری گوسفندان ایرانی با روش توالی یابی (چکیده)
599 - Climatology of atmospheric circulation patterns of Arabian dust in western Iran (چکیده)
600 - The geodynamic history of east-central Iran during the Early Jurassic from the sedimentary records in the aftermath of the main Cimmerian orogeny (چکیده)
601 - Rodents helminth parasites in different region of Iran (چکیده)
602 - Geochemistry, geochronology, isotope and fluid inclusion studies of the Kuh-e-Zar deposit, Khaf-Kashmar-Bardaskan magmatic belt, NE Iran: Evidence of gold-rich iron oxide–copper–gold deposit (چکیده)
603 - A Sketch of Audiovisual Translation Studies in Iran (چکیده)
604 - Learners’ Input on Teaching Persian Translation: Empirical Findings on Ideals, Flaws and Expectations (چکیده)
605 - The reception of Persian dubbing: a survey on preferences and perception of quality standards in Iran (چکیده)
606 - Iranian Advertisements: A Postcolonial Semiotic Reading (چکیده)
607 - When Shakespeare travels along the silk road: Tardid, an Iranian Adaptation of Hamlet (چکیده)
608 - Phylogenetic re-analyzing of Iran’s Jebeer based on cytochrome b sequence (چکیده)
609 - Seasonal evaluation habitat of Asian Houbara in the Central and East Iran (چکیده)
610 - Dynamism in patterns of social problems in Iran, 1996-2016 (چکیده)
611 - Mutual Strategic Ambiguity: A Cautious Iranian–Chinese Approach in Bilateral Relationship and Its Implications for the “One Belt, One Road” Policy (چکیده)
612 - Sensitivity studies of the forth-generation regional climate model simulation of dust storms in the Sistan plain, Iran (چکیده)
613 - Identification of pore types and pore facies for evaluating the diagenetic performance on reservoir quality: a case study from the Asmari Formation in Ramin Oil Field, SW Iran (چکیده)
614 - Nomenclatural notes on Acanthophyllum (Caryophylleae, Caryophyllaceae) (چکیده)
615 - The Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic (18O and 2H) Characteristics of Alluvial and Karstic Groundwater in Ravansar Area, West of Iran (چکیده)
616 - Enhancing flood hazard estimation methods on alluvial fans using an integrated hydraulic, geological and geomorphological approach (چکیده)
617 - Drought Impacts on Water Resources in Iran (چکیده)
618 - Asymmetric Behavior of Inflation in Iran: New Evidence on Inflation Persistence Using a Smooth Transition Model (چکیده)
619 - A New Record of Silene L. (Caryophyllaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
620 - Predicting range expansion of Invasive Raccoons in Northern Iran Using GARP and ENFA Models at Two Different Scales (چکیده)
621 - A study of ectoparasites in wild rodents of Jaz Murian area in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
622 - Stable Isotopes (18O, 2H, 13C) Properties of Kardeh River and Dam reservoir, North-Eastern Iran (چکیده)
623 - Detection of equine herpesvirus-1 and equine herpesvirus-4 in mules and donkeys by real time PCR (چکیده)
624 - Occurrence and Evolutionary Analysis of Coat Protein Gene Sequences of Iranian Isolates of Sugarcane mosaic virus (چکیده)
625 - Phylogeny of penduline tits inferred from mitochondrial and microsatellite genotyping (چکیده)
626 - Radiographic Evaluation of Normal Heart Size in Native Dog of Khorasan Province Using VHS Method (چکیده)
627 - Exploring Possible Variation among Iranian Erwinia amylovora Strains Using Multilocus Typing and Tandem Repeat Analysis (چکیده)
628 - New data on Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, 1976 from south eastern Iran (چکیده)
629 - Description of a new species of Hersiliola and the male of Duninia rheimsae Marusik et Fet, 2009 from Iran (Araneae: Hersiliidae) (چکیده)
630 - An Integrated Desertification Vulnerability Index for Khorasan-Razavi, Iran (چکیده)
631 - Species list and distribution map of the genus Alburnus Rafinesque, 1820 (Cyprinidae: Leuciscinae) in Iran (چکیده)
632 - All quiet in the East: molecular analysis retrieves Chionomys layi as part of C. nivalis (چکیده)
633 - Sustainability Features of Iran’s Vernacular Architecture (چکیده)
634 - Morphological and molecular characterization and phylogenetic position of a new record, Tylenchorhynchus zeae, and some known species of Telotylenchidae Siddiqi,1960 and Merliniidae Siddiqi, 1971 from Iran (چکیده)
635 - Molecular detection of Neospora caninum infection in ovine aborted fetuses, in Mashhad (چکیده)
636 - Ecological survey of two Calomyscidae species; Goodwin's brush-tailed mouse and Hotson's brush-tailed mouse (Rodentia) in the eastern parts of Iran (چکیده)
637 - Do beliefs make a difference? Exploring how principal self-efficacy and instructional leadership impact teacher efficacy and commitment in Iran (چکیده)
638 - Exploring Contents of Lead and Cadmium in Tissues of Fat Dormouse Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) (Rodentia: Gliridae) for Use in Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants in the Southern Caspian Coast Forests, Iran (چکیده)
639 - Evolutionary history of the Persian Jird,Meriones persicus,based on genetics, species distribution modelling and morphometric data (چکیده)
640 - Limitations and opportunities for Permian-Triassic carbonate-carbon isotope stratigraphy posed by microbial-controlled diagenetic mineral additions (چکیده)
641 - Contributions to the ongoing work on the international chronostratigraphy of the Cambrian: preliminary data from the Terreneuvian of Iran and Series 2 of Mexico (چکیده)
642 - Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Fluid Inclusion and Oxygen Isotope Investigations of Epithermal Cu ± Ag Veins of the Khur Area, Lut Block, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
643 - Variations in spatial patterns of soil–vegetation properties over subsidence-related ground fissures at an arid ecotone in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
644 - Evaluation of seed dormancy in one hundred medicinal plants species grown in Southern Iran (چکیده)
645 - Integrative taxonomy of Meriones persicus (Rodentia, Gerbillinae) in Iran (چکیده)
646 - Paleoenvironment of geomorphic surfaces of an alluvial fan in the eastern Isfahan, Iran, in the light of micromorphology and clay mineralogy (چکیده)
647 - Dublin Core Metadata Element Set usage in national libraries' web sites (چکیده)
648 - Effect of Brown Iranian Propolis Extracts on in vitro Rumen Gas Production (چکیده)
649 - Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Cretaceous rocks based on calcareous nannofossil in Sarayan section, East Iran (چکیده)
650 - plasma methionin lysine concentrations of early kactation cows fed diet cocentration raw or roastaed iranian soybean varicty (چکیده)
651 - Determining the origin of raining air masses in Iran and the Middle East Countries using isotopic composition (18O and 2H) of Precipitations (چکیده)
652 - Transport Diplomacy in the Silk Road: Roles and Expectations (چکیده)
653 - Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Iran: An Application of SETAR-GARCH Model (چکیده)
654 - Design and Development of Early Warning System for Desertification and Land Degradation (چکیده)
655 - Pilgrimage versus stereotype: Forging new links between (چکیده)
656 - The impact of the Iranian media on shifting the meaning of Arba’een March (چکیده)
657 - Smart Transmission Grid Roadmap in Khorasan Regional Electricity Company (چکیده)
658 - Shakespeare Retold by Iranians in the Popular State TV Sitcom (چکیده)
659 - Western Cannon in Iranian Popular Culture (چکیده)
660 - The Rivalry of Reinforcing and Subversive Discourse in Iranian Hit Singles (چکیده)
661 - Shakespeare Tragedies Recontextualized as Comedies in Iran State TV Sitcom, Kolah Ghermezī (چکیده)
662 - Spatio-temporal trend analysis of precipitation, temperature, and river discharge in the northeast of Iran in recent decades (چکیده)
663 - Research experience of the PhD students in Iran: a case study in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
664 - Antioxidant potency of Iranian newly cultivated wild mushrooms of Agaricus and Pleurotus species (چکیده)
665 - Factors Affecting the Formation of Shadow Economy (Importation of Goods) in Rural Areas of Iran (چکیده)
666 - E‐government portals: a knowledge management study (چکیده)
667 - The Analysis of Transverse Topographic Symmetry Factor (T Index) in the Chekene-Mazavand, North East Iran (چکیده)
668 - Geochronological and geochemical characteristics of fractionated I-type granites associated with the skarn mineralization in the Sangan mining region, NE Iran (چکیده)
669 - New records of Black Fungus Gnats (Diptera: Sciaridae) from Iran, including the reinstatement of Bradysia cellarum Frey (چکیده)
670 - First report of three species of dark-winged fungus gnats (Diptera: Sciaridae), on Pinus mugo Turra, from Iran (چکیده)
671 - Estimation of suspended sediment load using regression trees and model trees approaches (Case study: Hyderabad drainage basin in Iran) (چکیده)
672 - Desertification risk assessment and management program (چکیده)
673 - Paleolimnology Of Lake Hamoun (E IRAN): Imlpication For Past Climate Changes AND Possible Impacts ON Human Settlements (چکیده)
674 - A Monte Carlo study on quantifying the amount of dose reduction by shielding the superficial organs of an Iranian 11-year-old boy (چکیده)
675 - Chenopodium khorasanica (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Iran (چکیده)
676 - Assessment of the Effectiveness of Protected Areas Management in Iran: Case Study in Khojir National Park (چکیده)
677 - Innovative spatial analysis for comparing Mashhad in Iran with Melbourne in Australia (چکیده)
678 - Foraminiferal paleoecology of an upper Cenozoic synorogenic conglomeratic succession in the Zagros basin, Iran (چکیده)
679 - First report of Quaternary mammals from the Qalehjough area, Lut Desert, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
680 - Permian Calcareous algae from the Khachik Formation at the Ali Bashi Mountains, NW of Iran (چکیده)
681 - Challenges with saffron adulteration in Iran (چکیده)
682 - Mesostigmatic mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) associated with rodents in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran (چکیده)
683 - Content Analysis of Physical-Spatial Development Strategies of Rural Settlements in Iran Based on Scientific-Research Articles Published in 2004-14 Decade (چکیده)
684 - Developing an Iranian green building assessment tool using decision making methods and geographical information system: Case study in Mashhad city (چکیده)
685 - Association between three prominent climatic teleconnections and precipitation in Iran using wavelet coherence (چکیده)
686 - Web-based Unofficial Dubbing into Persian: The Status Quo (چکیده)
687 - Taxonomic novelties in Erysimum for the Flora of Iran: E. polatschekii, a new alpine endemic, and E. scabrum, a new record. (چکیده)
688 - Gasterophilosis in Turkmen horses caused by Gasterophilus pecorum (Diptera, Oestridae) (چکیده)
689 - A review on history and taxonomical studies on spiders of Iran (چکیده)
690 - Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Contamination Transport in Nahavand Plain Aquifer,West of Iran (چکیده)
691 - Rosa kokanica (Rosaceae) in Binalood mountains: a new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
692 - Iranian Young Adults’ Perceptions and Use of Public Library Services (چکیده)
693 - Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used in Arjan - Parishan protected area in Fars Province of Iran. (چکیده)
694 - Dolomitization of the Silurian Niur Formation, Tabas block, east central Iran: Fluid flow and dolomite evolution (چکیده)
695 - Imagology of Iranians in One Thousand Nights and One Night (چکیده)
696 - Phenotypic Variation in Males of the Agamid Lizard Paralaudakia caucasia (Eichwald, 1831) Across a Wide Geographic Range (چکیده)
697 - Effects of climate change on the distribution of endemic Ferula xylorhachis Rech.f. (Apiaceae: Scandiceae) in Iran: Predictions from ecological niche models (چکیده)
698 - First report of four Curculionidae (Coleoptera) from Center and Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
699 - Coccinellid Biodiversity on the Coniferous trees Thuja orientalis and Pinus mugo in Urban Landscape of Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
700 - Detection of trend in days with thunderstorms in Iran Over the Past five decades (چکیده)
701 - Chorasmia Medical school from the begining until the Mongol invasion (چکیده)
702 - Epidemiological Survey of Bovine Thelaziosis in Southeastern of Iran (چکیده)
703 - Four new records of plant parasitic nematodes from Iran (چکیده)
704 - Seroepidemiological Study of Toxocariasis in the Owners of Domestic Cats and Dogs in Mashhad, Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
705 - Climatic interpretation of loess-paleosol sequences at Mobarakabad and Aghband, Northern Iran (چکیده)
706 - Symbiotic ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) associated with aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Golestan province, Iran (چکیده)
707 - Detection of trends in days with extreme temperatures in Iran from 1961 to 2010 (چکیده)
708 - Through the Iranian Fansubbing Glass: Insights into Taboo Language Rendition into Persian (چکیده)
709 - A study on the spider fauna of Dargaz and Kalat Counties in Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
710 - Challenges to design GREEN high rise building in IRAN (چکیده)
711 - The Qualitative Analysis on Contemporary Approaches toward Architectural Training in Iran (چکیده)
712 - Nakhlak carbonate-hosted Pb- (Ag) deposit, Isfahan province, Iran: A geological, mineralogical, geochemical, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotope study (چکیده)
713 - Mapping of climatic parameters under climate change impacts in Iran (چکیده)
714 - 'interaction entre le français et la culture irano-islamique dans les manuels scolaires iraniens, un obstacle devant 'apprentissage du FLE ou un appui? (چکیده)
715 - Review of the Impact of Second Home Tourism on the Quality of Lives of Rural people in Iran (چکیده)
716 - English Language Teachers’ Burnout Within the Cultural Dimensions Framework (چکیده)
717 - The Effect of Academic Education on Employers' Satisfaction and Audit Quality in Iran (چکیده)
718 - Typology of Capitals Expected and Received by Iranian Translators (چکیده)
719 - Application of combinational approach of FAHP and PROMETHEE in the insurance branches ranking (چکیده)
720 - Microscopy and PCR-based detection of Leucocytozoon spp. in Iranian birds of prey (چکیده)
721 - The Effect of Relationship Marketing Techniques on Trust, Satisfaction and Relational Commitment from Point of view of Iran Insurance Agencies Managers in Mashhad (چکیده)
722 - Assessment of Sedimentary Basin effect on Soil Structure in Kerman City Deposits Using Destructuring Coefficient Criterion (چکیده)
723 - Calcareous nannofossils from chalky limestone of upper Abderaz Formation and lower part of Abtalkh Formation in the Kopet-Dogh range NE Iran (چکیده)
724 - Investigation of nursery treatments on sea buckthorn (Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L.) A. Nelson) seed germination in the field (چکیده)
725 - Imagology of Iranians in One Thousand Nights and One Night (چکیده)
726 - Canine Myiasis and Its Causal Agents in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
727 - Depositional environment, diagenesis, and geochemistry of Devonian Bahram formation carbonates, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
728 - New records of the William’s Jerboa, Paralactaga cf. williamsi (Thomas, 1897) (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from northeastern Iran with notes on its ecology (چکیده)
729 - Estimating Housing Prices Using Automatic Linear Modeling in the Metropolis of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
730 - A study of visceral leishmaniasis in owned dogs with dermal lesions in Mashhad area, Khorasan Razavi province (چکیده)
731 - New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Aranei), part III (چکیده)
732 - Performance Evaluation of Islamic Banking Sector: Iranian View (چکیده)
733 - Isolation and Genotyping of <i>Toxoplasma gondii</i> Strains in Ovine Aborted Fetuses in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran (چکیده)
734 - Strategic Implications of Scenarios Facing Shanghai Organization on Iranian Energy Geopolitics (چکیده)
735 - Depositional environments and ichnology of Upper Cretaceous deep-marine deposits in the Sistan Suture Zone, Birjand, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
736 - Perspectives of ICT Geography of Regional IRAN: Obstacles and Advantages (چکیده)
737 - Effects of wildfire burninig on seed bank diversity and mycorhiza symbiosis of prennial grasses in a dryland (چکیده)
738 - Systematic notes on Burdigalian Echinoids from the Qom Formation in the Bagher Abad area, Central Iran (چکیده)
739 - The Emergence of Nature in Contemporary Iranian Architecture (چکیده)
740 - Chromosome C-banding in Mus musculus L.1766 strains shows a fixed position for the centromere and variable amounts in different populations (چکیده)
741 - Comparative Cytogenetic Analysis in the Populations of House Mouse Group, Mus musculus L.1766 (Cytotype 2n = 40) (Rodentia: Muridae) in Iran (چکیده)
742 - Conflict Management Styles Among Iranian Critical Care Nursing Staff (چکیده)
743 - Synopsis of the genus Alyssum in Iran (چکیده)
744 - The ammonoids from the Late PermianParatirolitesLimestone of Julfa (East Azerbaijan, Iran) (چکیده)
745 - Impacts of Urbanization on the Historical Village: A case study of Khoosf, Iran (چکیده)
746 - Private Shiraz’s gardens of architectural merit in transition to public space (چکیده)
747 - reconstruction of Iranian identity by means of the historical gardens (چکیده)
748 - Complex changes in the use and boundaries of Shiraz’s private introverted gardens in 20th century Iran (چکیده)
749 - Assessment of energy use pattern for tomato production in Iran: A case study from the Marand region (چکیده)
750 - A New Record of The Genus Vitis (Vitaceae) for The Flora of Iran (چکیده)
751 - A Field Study on the Behaviour of Calomyscus elburzensis Goodwin, 1938 (Rodentia: Calomyscidae): Sexual and Seasonal Variations in the Trapping Success (چکیده)
752 - Morphological, molecular and phylogenetic study of Filenchus aquilonius as a new species for Iruanian Nematofauna and some other known Nematodes from Iran Based on D2D3 segments of 28 srRNA Gene (چکیده)
753 - One new species and two new records of the genus Aeolothrips from Iran (Insecta, Thysanoptera, Aeolothripidae) (چکیده)
754 - Relationship between Oil Price Fluctuations and Stock Price Index in Iran (چکیده)
755 - The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers' Gender and their Pedagogical Success as Evaluated by Learners (چکیده)
756 - Biosystematic study of Calomyscus mystax (Rodentia, Calomyscidae) from northeastern Iran (چکیده)
757 - Philosophy of Teacher Education in Iran (چکیده)
758 - Geochronologic, geochemical, and isotopic constraints on petrogenesis of the dioritic rocks associated with Fe skarn in the Bisheh area, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
759 - Multi-phase inversion tectonics related to the Hendijan–Nowrooz–Khafji Fault activity, Zagros Mountains, SW Iran (چکیده)
760 - New faunistic records of spiders (Araneae) from Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
761 - New report on anatomy of lenticel development in Fraxinus (Oleaceae) species from Iran (چکیده)
762 - Eocene climatic events recorded in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the Kopeh-Dagh Basin, NE Iran; a statistical approach (چکیده)
763 - Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies of the sanganeh formation in Qarah-Su section (NE, Iran) (چکیده)
764 - A Comparative Study of Speech Act of Ordering: A Case Study in English language between English native speakers and Iranian EFL learners (چکیده)
765 - Gastrointestinal helminths of the Caspian snowcock (Tetraogallus caspius) partridge from the North Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
766 - The relationship of ectoparasite prevalence to the capturing season, locality and species of the murine rodent hosts in Iran (چکیده)
767 - Function and Performance of the Islamic Parliament Assembly of Iran (چکیده)
768 - Product Norms of Website Localization into Persian (چکیده)
769 - First record ofKarnyothripsWatson (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Iran (چکیده)
770 - Estrogen Receptor Alpha Gene Expression in Breast Cancer Tissues from the Iranian Population - a Pilot Study (چکیده)
771 - Effect of dietry thiamin on growth of the Iranian honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera meda) in different season (چکیده)
772 - Serological study of small ruminant lentiviruses in sheep population of Khorasan-e-Razavi province in Iran (چکیده)
773 - Occurrence of ectoparasitic arthropods (Siphonaptera, Acarina, and Anoplura) on rodents of Khorasan Razavi Province, northeast of Iran (چکیده)
774 - Petrogenesis of subvolcanic rocks from the Khunik prospecting area, south of Birjand, Iran: Geochemical, Sr–Nd isotopic and U–Pb zircon constraints (چکیده)
775 - Effects of Different Water Stress on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Content of Elaeagnus rhamnoides (چکیده)
776 - Development and Validation of a Cultural Dimensions Scale (CDS) and Its Application in an Iranian Context (چکیده)
777 - Facies Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy of Silurian C arbonate Ramps In the Turan(Kopeh-Dagh) and Central Iran Plates with Emphasis Gondwana Tectonic Event (چکیده)
778 - New records of ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to the fauna of Iran: Camponotus alii Forel, 1890 and Proformica korbi (Emery, 1909) (چکیده)
779 - Phylogenetic Relationships of Apodemus Kaup, 1829 (Rodentia: Muridae) Species in the Eastern Mediterranean Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA, with Emphasis on Iranian Species (چکیده)
780 - Gondvana tectonic event roll on the sequence stratigraphy pattern of silurian deposits of Iran (چکیده)
781 - Empirical relationships of shear wave velocity, SPT-N value and vertical effective stress for different soils in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
782 - New Faunistic Records of Formicidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) from Iran’s Northeast (چکیده)
783 - New data on spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae), Part II (چکیده)
784 - Economic feasibility study of power generation from anaerobic digestion of organic wastes in Iran (Case study: a poultry farm) (چکیده)
785 - Cultural Orientations of Iranian English Translation Students: Do Gender and Translation Quality Matter (چکیده)
786 - Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction based on coralline red algal and foraminifera assemblages in Oligo-Miocene succession of NW central Zagros, Iran (چکیده)
787 - An Investigation of the Origin and Groundwater Discharge to Bazangan Lake, Eastern Kopet-Dagh Basin, Iran, Using Geochemistry and Stable Isotopes Approaches (چکیده)
788 - High soil and groundwater arsenic levels induce high body arsenic loads, health risk and potential anemia for inhabitants of northeastern Iran (چکیده)
789 - Exploring the Use of Random Regression Models with Legendre Polynomials to Analyze Clutch Size in Iranian Native Fowl (چکیده)
790 - Niche modeling: The Best Model for Biodiversity Conservation Planning (چکیده)
791 - Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in the One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in East and Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
792 - Seroepidemiology of Q fever in one-humped camel population in northeast Iran (چکیده)
793 - The Holarctic genus Aeolothrips (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) from Iran, with description of two new species (چکیده)
794 - Redescription ofRhagodes eylandti(Walter, 1889) (Arachnida: Solifugae) with notes on its morphological variation and geographic distribution (چکیده)
795 - Prevalence and Intensity of Paramphistomum Spp. In Cattle from South-Eastern Iran (چکیده)
796 - Morphological Study of Hemidactylus Geckos (Squamata:Gekkonidae) from Iran (چکیده)
797 - Eurasian house mouse (Mus musculus L.) differentiation at microsatellite loci identifies the Iranian plateau as a phylogeographic hotspot (چکیده)
800 - Analysis of Changes in Customers’ Expectations of Service Quality in Banking Sector between 2007 and 2013 (چکیده)
801 - Assessment and Presentation of a Treatment Method to Seepage Problems of the Alluvial Foundation of Ghordanloo Dam, NE Iran (چکیده)
802 - Some rugose corals from the Devonian (Givetian and Frasnian) of Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
803 - Description of some rugose corals from the Givetian and Lower Frasnian of the Eastern Alborz Mountains, NE Iran (چکیده)
804 - Solitary rugose corals from the Givetian of the Khoshyeilagh Formation (Eastern Alborz Mountains, NE Iran) (چکیده)
805 - Mineralogic, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotope evidence for the genesis of Sechangi lead–zinc (–copper) deposit, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
806 - Studies on Aspergillus Section Flavi from Peanut in Iran (چکیده)
807 - Willingness to Communicate in English: A Microsystem Model in the IranianEFLClassroom Context (چکیده)
808 - Chromosomal diversity in the genus Microtus at its southern distributional margin in Iran (چکیده)
809 - The Review of Asymmetrical Cointegration Relationship between Agriculture and Economic Growth in Iran by Using TAR and M-TAR Models (چکیده)
810 - Geometric morphometric analysis of the molars in three species of the genus Mus (Mus) (Rodentia, Muridae) based on the outline method (چکیده)
811 - Translation as a Profession in Iran from a Sociological Perspective (چکیده)
812 - Studies on Aspergillus Flavus Link. Isolated From Maize in Iran (چکیده)
813 - Destructive leader behaviour: A study of Iranian leaders using the Destructive Leadership Questionnaire (چکیده)
814 - گزارش دو گونه نماتود انگل حشرات Pristionchus maupasii و Osechius از ایران (چکیده)
815 - Prioritizing Effective Factors on Development of Medicinal Plants Cultivation using Analytic Hierarchy Process (Case study: North Khorasan Province, Iran) (چکیده)
816 - A Comparative Study of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Canola Production (چکیده)
817 - Lithostratigraphy and carbonate microfacies across the Permian-Triassic boundary near Julfa (NW Iran) and Abadeh (Central Iran) (چکیده)
818 - Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of Permian-Triassic Boundary sections in the regions of Julfa (NW Iran) and Abadeh (Central Iran) (چکیده)
819 - Problems of stratigraphic correlation of the Permian-Triassic transitional beds in the Transcaucasus and Central Iran (چکیده)
820 - Early Triassic microbialites and carbonate factory changes across the Permian-Triassic boundary near Julfa (NW Iran) and Abadeh (Central Iran) (چکیده)
821 - Morphological evolution and extinction patterns of the Ammonoidea at the Permian-Triassic boundary of Iran (چکیده)
822 - Discovery of triploidy in Palearctic green toads (Anura: Bufonidae) from Iran with indications for a reproductive system involving diploids and triploids (چکیده)
823 - Preliminary study of rodents using pellets of predatory birds in Iran (چکیده)
824 - First record of the Caucasus field mouse Apodemus ponticus Sviridenko, 1936 (Rodentia Muridae) from Iran (چکیده)
825 - Morphological Morphometric Characterisation of the Eastern Broad-toothed Field Mouse Apodemus mystacinus (Rodentia: Muridae) from Zagros Mountains, north-western Iran (چکیده)
826 - Determining the factors affecting on performance evaluation of the national teams coaches of Wushu Federation of Republic Islamic of Iran (چکیده)
827 - Prevalence and distribution of gastrointestinal helminths in free range chickens in Mashhad, northeast of Iran (چکیده)
829 - Football Marketing and Its Effect on Economic Boom (چکیده)
830 - High-resolution of the Changhsingian succession in Iran and correlation with China (چکیده)
831 - The Lilliput Effect in the latest Permian ammonoids from Iran (چکیده)
832 - First report of Lachesilla quercus KOLBE, 1880 (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha: Lachesillidae) from Iran (چکیده)
833 - First report of hepatic cysticercosis in a rook (Corvus frugilegus) (Passerifomes, Corvidae (چکیده)
834 - Morphology and micromorphology of the genus Fraxinus L. in Iran (چکیده)
835 - Rosa freitagii Ziel. (Rosaceae), a new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
836 - Anatomy of peduncle and petiole of the medicinal genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae) in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
837 - Paleoecological changes in the Northeastern Iran, signals from carbon isotopic composition of pedogenic carbonates in loess derived soils (چکیده)
838 - Changing from intra-provincial to inter-provincial migration in Iran (چکیده)
839 - Study of Cash Waqf and Its Impact on Poverty (Case Study of Iran)1 (چکیده)
840 - Using wavelet transforms to estimate surface temperature trends and dominant periodicities in Iran based on gridded reanalysis data (چکیده)
841 - New records of the huntsman spider genus Olios (Araneae: Sparassidae) from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (چکیده)
842 - Improving the Proficiency of Iranian Students in Learning English by Using Games (چکیده)
843 - Milk Yield and Compositions of Iranian Sannen Dairy Goats Fed Diets Containing Pistachio Hull Tannin and Polyethylene Glycol (چکیده)
844 - Longitudinal study of price model: before and after Iranian Accounting Standards (چکیده)
845 - To the knowledge of the Ensifera (Insecta: Orthoptera) fauna in Mashhad and vicinity, NE Iran (چکیده)
846 - Canine Heartworm in Southeastern of Iran with Review of di s - ease distribution (چکیده)
847 - A Species-Level of Morphological and Nut Micromorphology Study of the Cyperus Complex (Cyperaceae) in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
848 - New data and records of spiders from North-Eastern Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
849 - Comparative Anatomical and Palynological Studies on Rumex L. species (Polygonaceae) in NE Iran (چکیده)
850 - ICB5, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB), University of Tehran Ribosomal DNA marker as a molecular barcode tool for species delimitation of some Iranian Juncus L. (Juncaceae) species (چکیده)
851 - Molecular phylogenetics of some Iranian Cyperus L. (Cyperaceae) species inferred from plastid gene marker (چکیده)
852 - First record of the genus Eryngyothrips from Iran with description of a new species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) (چکیده)
853 - Lithostratigraphy and carbonate microfacies across the Permian–Triassic boundary near Julfa (NW Iran) and in the Baghuk Mountains (Central Iran) (چکیده)
854 - High-resolution stratigraphy of the Changhsingian (Late Permian) successions of NW Iran and the Transcaucasus based on lithological features, conodonts and ammonoids (چکیده)
855 - Assessment of search features on their concequences on Iranian digital libraries (چکیده)
856 - Studying the Relationship between Financial Development and Emissions of Carbon Dioxide in Iran: Using Autoregressive-Distributed Lag (چکیده)
857 - Can Iran play in (چکیده)
859 - Iran’s Foreign Policy between the Two Revolutions (چکیده)
860 - Optimal Irrigation Water Allocation Using a Genetic Algorithm under Various Weather Conditions (چکیده)
861 - Climate change impacts on stream flow and sediment yield in the North of Iran (چکیده)
862 - Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry14 toxin against root knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica (چکیده)
863 - Seroepidemiologic Survey of Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Tehran and Alborz Provinces of Iran (چکیده)
864 - Fecundity and maturation of South Caspian spirlin, Alburnoides sp. (Actinopterygii: Cypriniade) from Iran (چکیده)
865 - New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
866 - New records of plant parasitic nematodes Nothotylenchus ferepolitor andNeopsilenchus paragracilis from rhizosphere of Allium cepa in Iran (چکیده)
867 - همراهی یک مولکول دی.ان.ای. غیر عادی با Beet curly top Iran virus (چکیده)
868 - A survey of intestinal parasites in a population in Q azvin, north of I ran (چکیده)
869 - Genetic structure of various Magnaporthe oryzae populations in Iran and Uruguay (چکیده)
870 - Trend Detection of Drought in Aridand Semi-Arid Regions of Iran Basedon Implementation of Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) and Application of Non-Parametrical Statistical Method (چکیده)
871 - Ten years of snakebites in Iran (چکیده)
872 - First record of the velvet ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) reared from puparia of the ber fruit fly Carpomya vesuviana Costa (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Iran (چکیده)
873 - Exploring the relationship between Willingness to Communicate in English and Social/Cultural capital among Iranian undergraduate English majors (چکیده)
874 - The Iranian Deendrothripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) with description of a new genus and species (چکیده)
875 - The Karaman vole Microtus irani karamani is a new record for Iran (Arvicolinae; Microtus) (چکیده)
876 - Islamic Banking Ranking Efficiency Based on a Decision Tree in Iran (چکیده)
877 - A Study on the Influences of Islamic Values on Iranian Accounting Practice and Development (چکیده)
878 - Future Direction of Physical Chemistry in Iran (چکیده)
879 - About Hersiliidae Thorell, 1870 (Arachnida, Araneae) in Iran (چکیده)
880 - A Contrastive Study of Rhetorical Functions of Citation in Iranian and International ELT Scopus Journals (چکیده)
881 - Erysimum hezarense, a new species and Rhammatophyllum gaudanense, a new record of Brassicaceae from Iran (چکیده)
882 - Diagenetic Model of Carbonate Rocks of Guri Member of Mishan Formation (Lower to Middle Miocene) SE Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
883 - Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the upper Cretaceous succession (Abtalkh Formation) of the Kopeh-Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran based on foraminiferal and palynological analyses (چکیده)
884 - Alteration-mineralization, and radiometric ages of the source pluton at the (چکیده)
885 - Accessibility and Use of Electronic Journals at Iranian University Libraries (چکیده)
886 - Title Evaluation of Medical Librarians’ Level of Information and Communication Technology Skills Based on MLA Statements: A study in Iran (چکیده)
887 - The first detection of Cytauxzoon felis in a wild cat (Felis silvestris) in Iran (چکیده)
888 - Prioritizing of effective factors on development of medicinal plants cultivation using the analytic network process (چکیده)
889 - New plant records for Khorassan province,Iran, V, with complementary notes to its flora (چکیده)
890 - Petrography and geochemistry of Silurian Niur sandstones, Derenjal Mountains, East Central Iran: implications for tectonic setting, provenance and weathering (چکیده)
891 - Phlomoides binaludensis (Phlomideae, Lamioideae, Lamiaceae), a new species from northeastern Iran (چکیده)
892 - An Epidemiological Survey of Setaria in the Abdominal Cavities of Iranian Sistani and Brahman Cattle in the Southeastern of Iran (چکیده)
893 - Prevalence of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
894 - Outbreak of ovine congenital toxoplasmosis in Iran, confirmed by different diagnostic methods (چکیده)
895 - Application of fuzzy AHP method to IOCG prospectivity mappingAcase study in Taherabad prospecting area, eastern Iran (چکیده)
896 - Shallow burial dolomitization of an Eocene carbonate platform, southeast Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
898 - Seroepidemiology of coxiellosis (Q fever) in sheep and goat populations in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
899 - Fathabad-Ghir, Iran Earthquake. Study of the Strong-Motion Records. (چکیده)
900 - Seismicity of Iranian plateau and Hindu Kush region based on 20 years of seismic activity. (چکیده)
901 - The 28May 2004 Kojour, Iran Earthquake: Analysis of the Strong-motion Records (چکیده)
902 - The 28May 2004 Kojour, Iran Earthquake: Analysis of the Strong-motion Records (چکیده)
903 - Local and Moment Magnitude Scales in the Iranian Plateau Based on Strong Motion Records (چکیده)
904 - Study of the Firms Size Effect on Their Efficiency Based on DEA Approach (چکیده)
905 - The first report of cytauxzoon felis infection of a wild cat (Felis silvestris) in Iran (چکیده)
907 - ML and MW Scales in the Iranian Plateau Based on the Strong-Motion Records (چکیده)
908 - An ML Scale in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
909 - Ground-Motion Attenuation and Source Spectral Shape for Earthquakes in Eastern Iran (چکیده)
910 - Recreation Carrying Capacity Estimations to Support Forest Park Management (Case Study: Telar Forest Park, Ghaemshahr, Iran) (چکیده)
911 - Iranian university students ` conceptions of assessment: Using assessment to self-improve (چکیده)
912 - The rare genus Apratylenchoides Sher,1973 (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) fromfaba bean in Iran (چکیده)
913 - Genetic structure and molecular variability of potato virus M (چکیده)
914 - Occurrence of Soil-Borne Cereal Viruses and Molecular Characterization of The COAT PROTEIN GENE OF BARLEY YELLOW MOSAIC VIRUS ISOLATES FROM IRAN (چکیده)
915 - Users’ perception of Electronic Journals at Sharif University of Technology: A Case Study (چکیده)
916 - First report of Graphopsocus cruciatus (L INNAEUS ) and Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (E NDERLEIN ) (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha: Stenopsocidae and Ectopsocidae) from Iran (چکیده)
917 - Food Safety Concerns and other Factors Affecting Iran’s Pistachio Exports to EU, Australia, and Japan (چکیده)
918 - New data on the Jumping spiders from northeast of Iran (Aranei: Salticidae) (چکیده)
919 - Reassessment of the Taxonomic Position of Iranocypris typhlops Bruun and Kaiser, 1944 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) (چکیده)
920 - First record of Thrips juniperinus (Thys.: Thripidae) from Iran (چکیده)
921 - Biofilm formation, hemolysin production and antimicrobial susceptibilities of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from the mastitis milk of dairy cows in Shahrekord district, Iran (چکیده)
923 - Mites associated with passerine birds in eastern Iran (چکیده)
925 - Effects of second home tourism on rural settlements development in Iran (Case Study: Shirin- Dareh Region) (چکیده)
926 - An annotated catalog of the Iranian Reduvioidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha) (چکیده)
927 - Seroepidemiology of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) population in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
928 - Epidemiological study of hydatidosis in the dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) of different regions of Iran (چکیده)
929 - Meteorological aspects of an abnormal cooling event over Iran in April 2009 (چکیده)
930 - The Role of Tourism Infrastructures in Tourist Attraction to Rural Areas (چکیده)
931 - Ethno-Medicinal Plants Used to Cure Jaundice byTraditional Healers of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
932 - A nationwide clinical trial for assessment of a live intermediate IBD vaccine developed and produced by Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute in broiler flocks in Iran (چکیده)
933 - Partial nucleotide sequence analysis of ICP4 gene of ILT virus involved in clinical laryngotracheitis among commercial layer flocks in Khorasan Razavi province (چکیده)
934 - A note on the discovery of the suturocavate dinoflagellate cyst (Limbodinium absidatum) in the Middle East (Binalud Mountains, NE Iran (چکیده)
935 - Attention to Indications to Embedded Ideologies in Discourse across Translation Educational Levels and Gender (چکیده)
936 - Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor Kulczyski, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae) (چکیده)
937 - The effect of political marketing tools on the behavior of voters in Iran s 11th presidential election-Case study: the attitudes of Citizens of Mashhad city (چکیده)
938 - Impact of Technological Change on Wheat Production Risk in Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
939 - The first report of Plasmodium spp infection in pigeon in Iran (چکیده)
940 - Politeness and Speech Etiquette in Russian and Iranian Cultures (چکیده)
941 - Lead poisoning in cattle associated with batteries recycling: High lead levels in milk of nonsymptomatic exposed cattle (چکیده)
942 - A Study of the Maslow’s Needs Priority among the Iranian Auditors (چکیده)
943 - Oscheius rugaoensis and Pristionchus maupasi, two new records of entomophilic nematodes from Iran (چکیده)
944 - Five new species of Astragalus sect. Malacothrix (Fabaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
945 - Field evaluation of the Hillslope Erosion Model (HEM) in Iran (چکیده)
946 - Climate Change Impacts on Weather Characteristics of Golestan National Park (چکیده)
947 - Modeling Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Flow and Sediment Yield: Implications for Adaptive Measures on Soil and Water Conservation in North of Iran (چکیده)
948 - Changes in productivity in the boundary between Abderaz and Abtalkh Formations (East Kopet Dagh, NE Iran) evidenced by calcareous nannofossils and elements (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and CaCO3) (چکیده)
949 - Nannostratigraphy, nannofossil events, and paleoclimate fluctuations in the lower boundary of Kalat formation in East Kopet Dagh (NE Iran) (چکیده)
950 - Nannostratigraphy and investigation of sedimentation conditions of the lower boundary and the upper boundary of the Aitamir Formation in the east and west Kopet Dagh, northeast of Iran (چکیده)
951 - Nannostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental study of the lower boundary of the Kalat Formation in East and West of Kopeh- Dagh, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
952 - Injuries at the Iranian Championship in Indoor Rock Climbing (چکیده)
953 - Developing a Writing Strategy Model for Iranian Context (چکیده)
954 - Investigating the Degree of Importance & Employment of Management Accounting Methods by Managers of Companies Admitted Into the (چکیده)
955 - مطالعه اختلافات ریختی درجمجمه های جرد تریسترامی (جوندگان: موش سانان): یک مطالعه به روش ریخت سنجی هندسی (چکیده)
956 - Dependency on Electronic and Print Journals: A Case Study (چکیده)
957 - Transfer of Technology from Iranian Universities to Industry: University Perspective (چکیده)
958 - Investigation of factors affecting consumers’ bread wastage (چکیده)
959 - The Role of Furniture Cluster in Promoting Knowledge City Concept in Iran (چکیده)
960 - The Most Difficult Areas in English Writing: A Study on Iranian and Malay Students’ and Teachers’ Perception (چکیده)
961 - Promoting the Concept of Knowledge Cities through University-Industry Collaboration in the Iranian Context (چکیده)
962 - Morphological and systematic interpretation of some Late cretaceous (Turonian-Santonian) irregular echinoids, Kopet-dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
963 - Barremian-Aptian Dasycladalean algae, new and revisited, from the Tirgan Formation in the Kopet Dagh, NE Iran (چکیده)
964 - Sandstone petrography and geochemistry of the Oligo-Miocene Zivah Formation, NW Iran: implications on provenance and tectonic setting. (چکیده)
965 - Geochemistry as a provenance indicator of clastic rocks of Zivah Formation, Moghan area, NW of Iran (چکیده)
966 - Geometric morphometric analyses of the short-tailed Bandicoot Rat (Nesokia indica) (Rodentia: Muridae) in the north and southeast of Iran (چکیده)
967 - apd analysis of genetic variation within and among natural Population of Two Species of Dianthus L. (Caryophyllaceae) In Ne Iran (چکیده)
968 - Dianthus pseudocrinitus (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Northeast of Iran identified by morphological and molecular data (چکیده)
969 - Energy Consumption and Real GDP in Iran (چکیده)
970 - Petrography and Geochemistry of the Early-Middle Devonian sandstones of the Padeha Formation in the North of Kerman, SE Iran. Implications for provenance (چکیده)
971 - Preliminary study of rodents’ fauna (mammalia; rodentia) of Khaf township, southeast of Khorasan Razavi province, Iran, using pellets of birds of prey (چکیده)
972 - Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Library Staff Training: A Comparative Study (چکیده)
973 - Cultural Values and Professional Commitment in Accounting System: Empirical Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
974 - Optimization of Operational Parameters to Fortify Iranian UF-Feta Cheese with Fish Oil Using Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
975 - New Records of Naked-footed Gerbil Gerbillus nanus and Pygmy Gerbil Gerbillus cfr. henleyi (Rodentia, Muridae) from Iran (چکیده)
976 - depositional history and sequence stratigraphy of Tirgan Formation (Barremian-Aptian) in Central Kopet-Dagh, NE Iran (چکیده)
977 - Evaluating the effect of aflatoxin food safety concerns on Iran’s pistachio trade with gravity model (چکیده)
978 - Prediction of Economic Value Added of Iranian Listed Companies (چکیده)
979 - New faunistic records of Salticidae (Araneae) from Khorasan Province of Iran (چکیده)
980 - Investigation of the Boundary between Abderaz and Kalat Formations Based on Calcareous Nannofossils in West Kopet-Dagh (NE IRAN) (چکیده)
981 - tectonic and paleogeography implication of compositional variations within the siliciclastics Ab-Haji Formation (Lower Jurassic east-central Iran (چکیده)
982 - Agricultural impact on economic growth in Iran using ARDL approach co integration (چکیده)
983 - Study of Causal Relationship among Product Cost, Infield and Price of Cotton in Iran’s Agriculture (1996-2012) (چکیده)
984 - The Estimation of Agriculture Share in Economic Growth of Iran by Using OLS Method (چکیده)
985 - Agricultural Impact on Economic Growth in Iran Using Johansen Approach Cointegration (چکیده)
986 - Grain Marketing Margins Evaluation in Iran A Case Study: Bean (چکیده)
987 - Molecular detection of Theileria spp in sheep and vector ticks in Fasa and Kazeroun areas, Fars Province, Iran (چکیده)
988 - Genotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diseased ostriches (Struthio camelus) (چکیده)
989 - Geographic pattern of cranial differentiation in the Asian Midday JirdMeriones meridianus(Rodentia: Muridae: Gerbillinae) and its taxonomic implications (چکیده)
990 - The role of epiphyticPseudomonasandPantoeapopulation diversity on prevalence of fire blight disease (چکیده)
991 - Integrated biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Abderaz Formation of the East Kopet Dagh Basin (NE Iran) (چکیده)
992 - Isolation, antimicrobial susceptibility and mecA gene analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Iranian white cheeses (چکیده)
993 - Dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Bajocian–Lower Oxfordianof the Dalichai Formation in Binalud Mountains (their biostratigraphical and biogeographical significanceNE Iran): (چکیده)
994 - Sequence analysis of VP1 gene in three Iranian very virulent Infectious bursal disease virus strains (چکیده)
995 - Characterisation and Pattern of Culling in Holstein Dairy Cows in Torbat-E-Jam Area, Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
996 - Molecular surveillance of Theileria ovis, Theilerialestoquardi and Theileria annulata infection in sheep and ixodid ticks in Iran (چکیده)
998 - Systematic State of Oenanthe Pleschanka Vittata (Hemprich Et Ehrenberg, 1833) Based On Morphological Data (چکیده)
999 - New record of the Mediterranean Recluse Spider Loxosceles rufescens (Dufour, 1820) and its bite from Khorasan Province, northeast of Iran (Aranei: Sicariidae) (چکیده)
1000 - Reevaluation of the taxonomic status of sand boas of the genus Eryx (Daudin, 1803) (Serpentes: Boidae) in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1001 - Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Temperature, Precipitation and Evapotranspiration in Iran (چکیده)
1002 - Evaluation of Information Asymmetry in Financial Reporting: Other Approach, Other Result: New Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
1003 - Spirocercosis in an Iranian native dog (چکیده)
1004 - Ostertagia spp. in slaughtered sheep of Shahrekord, Iran (چکیده)
1005 - First report of Sarcocystis hominis in cattle from Iran (چکیده)
1006 - Vaginal leiomyosarcoma in a dairy cow during pregnancy (چکیده)
1007 - Factors Affecting Tendency to Use more Water Qanats: Case Study Arsanjan – Iran (چکیده)
1008 - Pathological study on liver of dromedary camels (چکیده)
1009 - Pathological study of ovaries of non-pregnant camels (Camelus dromedarius) slaughtered in Iran (چکیده)
1010 - Pathological study on lungs of dromedary camels slaughtered in the central part of Iran (چکیده)
1011 - Prevalence of thin-walled Sarcocystis cruzi and thick-walled Sarcocystis hirsuta or Sarcocystis hominis from cattle in Iran (چکیده)
1012 - Natural Resources, Openness and Income Inequality in Iran (چکیده)
1013 - Generational Accounting in Iran (چکیده)
1014 - شبیه سازی پیامدهای خشکسالی در زیر بخش زراعت در سطح کشور و در استانهای مختلف: ساخت و کاربرد مدل Iran ORANI-G (چکیده)
1015 - The genus Mycterothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Iran, with three new species (چکیده)
1016 - Productivity growth of barley in Iran (چکیده)
1017 - Survey of dermatological conditions in a population of domestic dogs in Mashhad, northeast of Iran (2007-2011) (چکیده)
1018 - Notes on the flora of Iran 5: Halimocnemis longifolia (چکیده)
1019 - New and interesting records for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
1020 - Further record of Golunda ellioti Gray, 1837 (Muridae, Rodentia) from South East of Iran with notes on its postcranial skeleton (چکیده)
1021 - Distribution patterns of The Genus Cousinia (ASTERACEAE) in Iran (چکیده)
1022 - Biostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy of Paleogene Deposits in Central Kopet-Dagh Basin (NE of Iran) (چکیده)
1023 - New plant records for Khorassan Province, Iran (چکیده)
1024 - The evolution of Dianthus polylepis complex (Caryophyllaceae) inferred from morphological and nuclear DNA sequence data: one or two species (چکیده)
1025 - Petrochemical Characteristics and Timing of Middle Eocene Granitic Magmatism in Kooh‐Shah, Lut Block, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1026 - Translation Industry in the Light of Complexity Science: A Case of Iranian Context (چکیده)
1027 - An epidemiological survey on intestinal helminths of stray dogs in Mashhad, North-east of Iran (چکیده)
1028 - Exchange Rate Impacts on Investment of Manufacturing Sectors in Iran (چکیده)
1029 - Prediction of CO2 Emissions in Iran using Grey and ARIMA Models (چکیده)
1030 - Molecular phylogeny of brush-tailed mice of the genus Calomyscus (Rodentia: Calomyscidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences ( Cox1 gene) (چکیده)
1031 - Knowledge Cities and the Role of Industrial Cluster: Case of North East Saffron and Food Clusters in the City of Mashhad (چکیده)
1032 - Dryness of ephemeral lakes and consequences for dust activity: The case of the Hamoun drainage basin, southeastern Iran (چکیده)
1034 - Effects of insect pollinators on onion seed production quality and quantity (چکیده)
1035 - New data on spider fauna from Golestan province, Iran (Arachnida, Araneae) (چکیده)
1036 - Molecular and morphological characterization of Pristionchus pacificus (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Neodiplogastridae), a new record of an entomophilic nematode from Iran (چکیده)
1037 - A study on Tornabea scutellifera (Lichenized Ascomycete, Lecanorales) in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1038 - Aeolothrips eremicola (Thysanoptera, Aeolothripidae): first record of the male from Iran (چکیده)
1039 - Demographics of English Translation Program: A Case Study of Iranian Undergraduates (چکیده)
1040 - Root lesion nematodes associated with faba bean fields in Iran with two new records of Pratylenchus crassi Das & Sultana (1979) and P. teres Khan & Singh (1974) (چکیده)
1041 - Cloning, Nucleotide Sequencing and Bioinformatics Study of NcSRS2 Gene, an Immunogen from Iranian Isolate of Neospora caninum (چکیده)
1042 - The Place of Translation Technologies in Iranian Translator Training Programs (چکیده)
1043 - Anatomical and pollen characters in Acanthophyllum C.A.Mey. (Caryophyllaceae) from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1044 - Mite infestation of honeybee (Apis mellifera) in apiaries of North East of Iran (چکیده)
1045 - Gingival myiasis of camel (Camelus dromedarius) caused by Wohlfahrtia magnifica (چکیده)
1046 - New data on the chewing lice (Phthiraptera) of passerine birds in East of Iran (چکیده)
1047 - Frequency of hard-ticks and the influence of age and sex of camel on ticks infestation rates in one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) population in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1048 - An Environmental and Economic Perspective on Integrated Weed Management in Iran (چکیده)
1049 - How Institutional Socialization Tactics Affects the Drivers of Socialization; Newcomers Proactivity and Socialization Outcomes (چکیده)
1050 - Evolution, paleoecology and sequence architecture of an Eocene carbonate ramp, southeast Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
1051 - New plant records for Khorassan province, Iran, IV (چکیده)
1052 - Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity: A Study of Iranian Listed Companies (چکیده)
1053 - An investigation on Impact of Institutional ownership and company proprietorship on Tax Aggressive Policy (چکیده)
1054 - Prevalence and risk factors for canine leishmaniasis in Mashhad, North- east of Iran (چکیده)
1055 - Technology Transfer from University to Industry in Iran (چکیده)
1056 - Seroepidemiology of Coxiella Burnetii in commercial dairy herds in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1057 - Ethnobotanical investigation of traditional medicinal plants (چکیده)
1058 - Pathological description and immunohistochemical demonstration of ovine abortion associated with Toxoplasma gondii in Iran (چکیده)
1059 - The magmatic record in the Arghash region (northeast Iran) and tectonic implications (چکیده)
1060 - Estimation of groundwater recharge using various methods in Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
1061 - Implementations of Smart Transmission Grid in Iran (Case Study: Khorasan Regional Electricity Company (چکیده)
1062 - The Effect of Privatization on EVA and ROA in Iran (چکیده)
1063 - Data Mining Approach to Prediction of Going Concern Using Classification and Regression Tree (CART) (چکیده)
1064 - خصوصیات تکاملی و ساختار ژنتیک جمعیت جدایه های ایرانی ویروس beet necrotic yellow vein virus بر اساس پروتئین p25 (چکیده)
1065 - Identification of Customers’ Satisfaction Attributes in Offset Printing Industry (چکیده)
1066 - Assessment of chemical and mineralogical characteristics of airborne dust in the Sistan region, Iran (چکیده)
1067 - Dust storms and their horizontal dust loading in the Sistan region, Iran (چکیده)
1068 - Diversity of Beet curly top Iran virus isolated from different hosts in Iran (چکیده)
1069 - Measuring the Ethnocentric Tendencies of Iranian Consumers: An Assessment of Validity and Reliability of the CETSCALE (چکیده)
1070 - Sequence stratigraphic significance of sedimentary cycles and shell concentrations in the Aitamir Formation (Albian–Cenomanian), Kopet-Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1071 - Geochemistry of Silurian Niur Sandstones in Tabas Block, Central Iran (چکیده)
1072 - Internet Financial Reporting: Case of Iran (چکیده)
1073 - A new species of <i>Acanthophyllum</i> (Caryophyllaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
1074 - Responses to Unfounded Accusation across Cultures (چکیده)
1075 - The spatial pattern of summertime subtropical anticyclones over Asia and Africa: A climatological review (چکیده)
1076 - Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from raw milk of bovine subclinical mastitis in Tehran and Mashhad (چکیده)
1077 - Molecular and biological characterization of the Iranian isolate of the Australian grapevine viroid (چکیده)
1078 - Estimation of Variance – Covariance Component for Somatic Cell Score in Iranian Holstein Cows (چکیده)
1079 - A Study of the Influence of Field of the Study and Gender on Ethical Values: Iranian Scenario (چکیده)
1080 - Faunistic and Molecular Surveys on the Pistachio Hemiptera of Rafsanjan Region and Vicinity, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1081 - Late Maastrichtian benthic foraminiferal response to palaeoenvironmental changes: a case study from the AbTalkh Formation, west of Kopeh-Dagh Basin, Iran (چکیده)
1082 - Biostratigraphy and Mass Extinction Pattern across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary, Northern Alborz, Iran (چکیده)
1083 - Molecular detection of Theileria spp. in sheep and vector ticks in the North Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
1084 - ِDeterminig Santonian Echinoids in Chalk Limestone, Abderaz Formation (type section), Kopet- Dagh basin, Iran (چکیده)
1085 - A survey on intestinal parasites of golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1086 - Energy analysis and optimization of inputs for wheat production in Marand region (چکیده)
1087 - A Study on Kimia-ye sa\'adat by Ghazzali through a political View (چکیده)
1088 - Distribution and morphological variation of Emys orbicularis in the coastal areas of the Caspian sea (چکیده)
1089 - Review of Rare Birds in Iran, 1860s–1960s (چکیده)
1090 - Effectiveness of Internal Control in the Banking Sector: Evidence from Bank Mellat, Iran (چکیده)
1091 - Zircon U–Pb geochronology and petrology of intrusive rocks in the C-North and Baghak districts, Sangan iron mine, NE Iran (چکیده)
1092 - The investigation of the solutions of improving Human Development Index in Iran during fifth development plan (چکیده)
1093 - Identification of Current Art Education Approaches in Iran’s Middle School Period Art Education (چکیده)
1094 - Book Review: The Arab Shi a: the Forgotten Muslims by Fuller and Franke (چکیده)
1095 - Haloarchaeobius iranensis gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from a saline lake (چکیده)
1096 - Salinibacter iranicus sp. nov. and Salinibacter luteus sp. nov., isolated from a salt lake, and emended descriptions of the genus Salinibacter and of Salinibacter ruber (چکیده)
1097 - Hedonic Price Function Estimation for Mobile Phone in Iran (چکیده)
1098 - A Preliminary Parasitological Survey of Hepatozoon Spp. Infection in Dogs in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1099 - Trichinella Infection in Wildlife of Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1100 - Late Santonian–Early Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossils from marly deposits near Kerman (Central Iran) (چکیده)
1101 - Klasea nana (Asteraceae) , a new species from NE Iran (چکیده)
1102 - 41Prior knowledge of toxoplasmosis among Iranian university students (چکیده)
1103 - Application of outline analysis on fossil and modern specimens of Apodemus (چکیده)
1104 - Biodiversity Conservation of Reptiles and Mammals in the Khorasan Provinces, Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1105 - A Survey on the Frequency of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Carriers in Cattle in North-East of Iran by RT-PCR: Implications for Revising Disease Control Strategy (چکیده)
1106 - Morphometric, molecular and biological studies of the Thrips tabaci Lind. (Thys: thripidae) populations collected from onion and tobacco in Iran (چکیده)
1107 - Geotops of Iran Playa: a geoarchaeology evidence (چکیده)
1108 - Amino acid diversity of antigenic sites of Iranian type O foot-and-mouth disease virus (چکیده)
1109 - A study on Aspergillus species in nose and houses of healthy subjects from Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1110 - Language Teaching and Iranian EFL Learners: Restrictions in Verb Selection and Errors (چکیده)
1111 - Language Learning and Literature: EFL Students and Learning plays through Performance (چکیده)
1112 - The effects of corm density and planting method on growth characteristics and stigma yield of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) (چکیده)
1113 - Resistance characteristics of different Brassica species to the mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Hom.: Aphididae) (چکیده)
1114 - Molecular identification of Echinococcos granulosus strains from Camelus dromedarius in eastern half of Iran (چکیده)
1115 - A survey on prevalence of Nosema spp. infection in apiaries of North Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
1116 - Geochemistry of Carboniferous Sandstones (Sardar Formation), East‐Central Iran: Implication for Provenance and Tectonic Setting (چکیده)
1117 - Aphid parasitoids associations on stone fruit trees in Khorasan Razavi Province (Iran) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) (چکیده)
1118 - A case report of atypical borreliosis in Dog (چکیده)
1119 - A contribution to the knowledge of Meloidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) fauna of Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1120 - faunistic study of Raphignathoidea mites (Acari: Prostigmata) in Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan province of Iran (چکیده)
1121 - Operating Profit, Expenses and Investors Herding Behavior in Iran (چکیده)
1122 - Investigation of energy inputs for peach production using sensitivity analysis in Iran (چکیده)
1123 - A serological study of Leishmania infantum in dogs of Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (چکیده)
1124 - The Prevalence of ADHD and Comorbid Disorders in Iranian Adult Male Prison Inmates (چکیده)
1125 - Barriers to E-Customs in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Iran (چکیده)
1126 - The effect of Zagros Mountains on the formation and maintenance of Iran anticyclone using RegCM4 (چکیده)
1127 - Prevalence of ixodid tick infestation of sheep in the Arasbaran region of Iran (چکیده)
1128 - Relationship Between Self-Efficacy And Anxiety Among Indian And Iranian Students (چکیده)
1129 - Molecular analysis of species of Tulipa L. from Iran based on ISSR markers (چکیده)
1130 - Determining Validity and Reliability of Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS-Plus) among Iranian Sample (چکیده)
1131 - Atmospheric circulation types and winter daily precipitation in Iran (چکیده)
1132 - A Study of Economic Index Effects on Return on Equity in Iranian Companies (چکیده)
1133 - The contribution of women in Iranian scholarly publication (چکیده)
1134 - Scientometric Analysis of Nuclear Science and Technology Research Output in Iran (چکیده)
1135 - An Internal Structure Investigation on Euphorbia L. Species in North-East of Iran (چکیده)
1136 - Scorpion sting in Iran: A review (چکیده)
1137 - The Comparison of Aerobic Fitness and Anaerobic Power of Iranian Soccer Players in Different Playing Positions during Competitions Season (چکیده)
1138 - Barriers of Corporate Entrepreneurship: Case of Iran (چکیده)
1139 - Spatial integration of fry and fractal analyses in regional exploration: A case study from Bafq–Posht-e-Badam, Irán (چکیده)
1141 - A retrospective study of abattoir condemnation due to parasitic infections and its economic importance in Ahwaz, south–western of Iran (چکیده)
1142 - Identification of Dactylogyrus spp. and other parasites of common carp in norheast in Iran (چکیده)
1143 - Geochemistry of carboniferous shales of the Sardar Formation, east central Iran: Implication for provenance, paleoclimate and paleo-oxygenation conditions at a passive continental margin (چکیده)
1144 - Eight new records of bird species from North-Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1145 - The Distributive Effects of Joining the Global Economy in Iran: the Application of ARDL Model (چکیده)
1146 - Mitochondrial Genetic Differentiation of Spirlin (Actinopterigii: Cyprinidae) in the South Caspian Sea basin of Iran (چکیده)
1147 - Factors affecting stillbirth and twin birth in Holstein dairy cattle in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1148 - Crossing the threshold of Iranian TEFL (چکیده)
1149 - Comparison analysis of biochemical compound in Glycyrrhizaglabra roots from two localities of Iran (Bojnourd) and Afghanistan (Harate) (چکیده)
1150 - Auditors Professional Power and Users’ Expectations: Iranian View (چکیده)
1151 - Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Iranian Pomegranate Cultivars Using Fruit Morphological Characteristics and AFLP Markers (چکیده)
1152 - The effects of agricultural practice and land-use on the distribution and origin of some potentially toxic metals in the soils of Golestan province, Iran (چکیده)
1153 - Aeluropus laciniatus (POACEAE), A New Species From Iran (چکیده)
1154 - The therapeutic effect of Tarentula cubensis (چکیده)
1155 - A Karyological Study of Some Murid Rodents (Rodentia: Muridae) of Iran (چکیده)
1156 - A new species and a new record of Acanthophyllum C. A. Mey. (Caryophyllaceae) from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1157 - Significance of ichnofossils in high resolution sequence stratigraphy: Upper Maastrichtian, Kopeh- Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1158 - Detection of Hepatozoon sp. in a Persian Leopard :Panthera pardus ciscaucasica (چکیده)
1159 - A study of tick fauna in Tandoureh National Park, Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (چکیده)
1160 - Studies of Water Arsenic and Boron Pollutants and Algae Phytoremediation in Three Springs, Iran (چکیده)
1161 - Teaching and Learning:Learning a foreign language and its Influence on the Identity of EFL Students (چکیده)
1162 - Perceptions on Qualitative Characteristics in Financial Reporting: Iranian Evidence (چکیده)
1163 - Study on small ruminant lungworms and associated risk factors in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1164 - A new species and a new combination of Minuartia L. (Caryophyllaceae) from NE Iran (چکیده)
1165 - Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) fluvial deposits in eastern Kopet- Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1166 - A Case-Control Study of Association between Diarrhea in Newborn Calves and Infection with Rotavirus and Coronavirus in Some Industrial Dairy Herds of Mashhad Area, Iran in 2008 (چکیده)
1167 - a cryptospuridum muris like parasite in large ruminants in varius part of Iran (چکیده)
1168 - Phylogeography and Taxonomic Status of the Greater Mouse-Tailed BatRhinopoma microphyllum(Chiroptera: Rhinopomatidae) in Iran (چکیده)
1169 - A Comparison of Working Capital Management of Chemical and Medicine Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
1170 - Barley yellow mosaic virus, a soil-borne virus recently discovered in Iran (چکیده)
1171 - Goldbachia and Tetracme (Cruciferae) in Iran (چکیده)
1172 - Factors affecting the incidence of calf diarrhea in Iranian Holstein dairy herds (چکیده)
1173 - survey effects of intent and materiality earning managment of ethical judgment of students in iran (چکیده)
1174 - Hydropolitics and Human Security: Water Cooperation in Relations between Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan (چکیده)
1175 - Additional to the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
1176 - The Genus Alyssum Section Gamosepalum in Iran (چکیده)
1177 - Silene ferdowsii (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Iran (چکیده)
1178 - Taxonomic evaluation of misidentification of crude herbal drugs marketed in Iran (چکیده)
1179 - A Study of Job Satisfaction between External and Internal Auditors: An Iranian Scenario (چکیده)
1180 - Miocene decapod crustacean from the Guri Member of the Mishan Formation, Bandar-Abbas, Southern Iran (چکیده)
1181 - Developing Equity Culture and Partnerships in the Investement Market: A Study on Iran s Over the Counter Market (چکیده)
1182 - Linguistic Democracy in English Language Teaching (چکیده)
1183 - Tydeoid Mites (Acari: Triophtydeidae, Iolinidae, Tydeidae) of Razavi Khorasan (چکیده)
1184 - The effect of dietary level of steam treated sugarcane pith on digestibility and ruminal passage (چکیده)
1185 - estimation of rural - urban migration in iran (چکیده)
1186 - sequence stratigraphy of Upper Bajocian-Lower Batonian, Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1187 - Cranial and dental analysis of mouse-like hamsters of the genus Calomyscus (Rodentia: Calomyscidae) from plateau of Iran (چکیده)
1188 - Alveolar Echinococcosis Infection in a Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) In Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1189 - Flora, life form and chorology of winter and rural range plants in the Northern Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
1190 - Identification of reassortant infectious bursal disease viruses by RT-PCR of vp1 and vp2 genes in Iran (چکیده)
1191 - The influence of demographic factors, processing speed and short-term memory on Iranian children’s pedestrian skills (چکیده)
1192 - A Survey of Fundamental Barriers in Development of Tourism in Shiraz (چکیده)
1193 - Welfare and environmental quality impacts of green taxes in Iran (a computable general equilibrium model) (چکیده)
1194 - بررسی جریانات ترازهای زیرین جو بر روی خاورمیانه و نقش آن بر وقوع توفان های گرد و غباری در جنوب غرب ایران (چکیده)
1195 - Infection of Alstroemeria Plants with Tomato yellow ring virus in Iran (چکیده)
1196 - New Iranian and Australian peech latent mosaic viroid variants and evidence for rapid sequence evolution. (چکیده)
1198 - Auditor Responsibility and Expectation Gap: Evidence from Iranian Bankers (چکیده)
1199 - Scorpion sting agents in Iran: A review (چکیده)
1200 - Factors affecting calf mortality in Iranian Holstein dairy herds (چکیده)
1201 - Biosystematic study of the genus Berberis L. (Berberidaceae) in Khorassan, NE Iran (چکیده)
1202 - The prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus in persistently infected cows in industrial dairy herds in suburb of Mashhad- Iran (چکیده)
1203 - Isolation and characterization of Brachyspira species based on biochemical scheme and 16S rDNA partial sequencing (چکیده)
1204 - Geometric morphometric comparison of mandible and skull of five species of genus Allactaga (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from Iran (چکیده)
1205 - Burrow configuration of Persian jird Meriones persicus Blanford, 1875 (Rodentia: Muridae, Gerbillinae) (چکیده)
1206 - Application of “panel-data” modeling to predict groundwater levels in the Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
1207 - Parasitic wasps as natural enemies of aphid population in the Mashhad region of Iran: new data from DNA sequences and SEM (چکیده)
1208 - Contemporary and sub-fossil house mice (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758) (Rodentia: Muridae) from Iran (چکیده)
1209 - Estimation of genetic parameters and trends for age at first calving and calving interval in iranian Holstein cows (چکیده)
1210 - Environmental emissions profile of different sugar beet cropping systems in East of Iran (چکیده)
1211 - Reproductive performance of crossbred dairy cows under smallholder production system in Kurdistan province of Iran (چکیده)
1212 - Characterisation and pattern of culling in Holstein-Friesian dairy herds in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1213 - Survey of canine Dirofilaria immitis infection in Caspian provinces of Iran (چکیده)
1214 - Engineering Geology Criteria for Evaluation and Classification of Loess in Golestan Province (چکیده)
1215 - An Analysis of Transaction Costs of Obtaining Credit in Rural Iran (چکیده)
1216 - Evaluation of PTFs developed from large databases for Iranian soils to predict SMRC (چکیده)
1217 - Investigating the structure of summer atmospheric circulation over Southwest Asia (چکیده)
1218 - Nine eriophyoid mite species from Iran (Acari, Eriophyidae (چکیده)
1219 - The Role of persin news paper published in India in Constitutional Revolution of Iran (چکیده)
1220 - Crop Water Consumption and Crop Yield Prediction under Climate Change Conditions at Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1221 - Seroprevalence of Neospora spp. in Horses in North East of Iran (چکیده)
1222 - Exergy of natural gas flow in Iran’s natural gas fields (چکیده)
1223 - Impact of lameness in Iran’s dairy herds (چکیده)
1224 - Spatial analysis of the frequency-magnitude distribution of aftershock of 2003 Bam earthquack:southeast Iran (چکیده)
1225 - Does Trichoderma harzianum really increase growth parameters in plants (چکیده)
1226 - Prevalence of pigeon haemosporidians and effect of infection on biochemical factors in Iran (چکیده)
1227 - The comparison of body composition of Iranian soccer players in different playing positions during competitions season (چکیده)
1228 - Comparative microbial control of two serious branch borer, Osphranteria coerulescens Redtenbacher (Col.: Cerambyciae) and Zeuzera pyrina L. (Lep.: Cossidae) (چکیده)
1229 - Change in nomads income and its effect on rangelands vegetation of Iran through past 40 years (چکیده)
1230 - Variability of growing season indices in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1231 - survival analysis of longevity in moghani and baluchi sheep breeds of iran (چکیده)
1232 - Biocontrol of leopard moth, Zeuzera pyrina L. (Lep.: Cossidae) using entomopathogenic nematodes in Iran (چکیده)
1233 - Reconstruction of Iranian city centers after the islamic revolution (1979-2005) case study of Mashhad (چکیده)
1234 - First record of Aphelinus paramali Zehavi and Rosen 1989 (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae), parasitoid of Aphis pomi de Geer (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in Iran, and its phylogenetic position based on sequence data of ITS2 and COI genes (چکیده)
1235 - Echocardiographic evaluation of Normal Turkmen Horses in Iran (چکیده)
1236 - Barriers affecting contribution of developing countries social scientists in ISI indexed Journals (چکیده)
1237 - Mass modeling of cantaloupe based on geometric attributes: A case study for Tile Magasi and Tile Shahri (چکیده)
1238 - A study of the knowledge of auditors in the field of tax laws: Evidence of Iran (چکیده)
1239 - Spatial Distribution and Diversity of Woody Plants along River Bank of Shirinrood, Central Hyrcanian Forests, Northern Iran (چکیده)
1240 - Iranian Sheep and Goat Industry at a Glance (چکیده)
1241 - The Effect of Iranian Shallot or Garlic Aqueous Extracts on Learning, Memory and Serum Biochemical Variables in Fructose-fed Wistar Rats (چکیده)
1242 - Global Warming Potential of Wheat Production in Southwest of Iran (چکیده)
1243 - Beet black scorch virus, old endemic or emerging virus (چکیده)
1244 - Screening of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection in bulk tank milk of dairy cattle herds of Mashhad area of Iran (چکیده)
1245 - The Geopolitical Characteristics of Iran s Qajar era (چکیده)
1247 - Two new records of Cousinia Cass. (Asteraceae) from NE Iran, Khorasan provinces (چکیده)
1248 - Prevalence and pathological lesion of Trichomonas gallinae in pigeons of Iran (چکیده)
1249 - An abattoir-based study on the prevalence of hydatidosis in livestock in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1250 - Morphological and molecular methods in identification of Aphidius transcaspicus Telenga (Hym: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) endoparasitoid of Hyalopterus spp. (Hom: Aphididae) with additional data on Aphidiinae phylogeny (چکیده)
1251 - Epidemiology of human and animal hydatidosis in Iran (چکیده)
1252 - Seroprevalence of Q-fever in commercial dairy herds in Khorasan razavi province, Iran (چکیده)
1253 - Molecular analysis of the diversity and evolution of lactic flora in Lighvan-an Iranian raw sheep's milk- cheese (چکیده)
1254 - Biosystematics of genus Calomyscus (Calomyscidae, Rodentia) of Iran regarding biological species concept (چکیده)
1255 - Seasonal regimes of daily precipitation in Iran (چکیده)
1256 - Spatial patterns and regimes of daily precipitation in Iran in relation to large‐scale atmospheric circulation (چکیده)
1257 - The effect of the Zagros Mountains on the formation and maintenance of the Iran Anticyclone using RegCM4 (چکیده)
1258 - House Prices,Economic Output and Inflation Interactions in Iran (چکیده)
1259 - The Comparison of Students and Educators Preferred Teaching Styles in Teacher Educating Centers (چکیده)
1260 - Electro facies interpretation of petrophyisical well logs in south Fars area, Iran (چکیده)
1261 - Study on ovine abortion associated with Toxoplasma gondiin affected herds of Khorasan Razavi Province,based on PCR detection of fetal brains and maternal serologyran (چکیده)
1262 - An Experimental Comparison Between Demand Systems of Major Food Groups in Urban Economics (چکیده)
1263 - The Effects of Zagros Mountain on Iran Summertime Subtropical Anticyclone (چکیده)
1264 - The Structure of Summer Atmospheric Circulation over Southwest Asia (چکیده)
1265 - Lifetime value model in the medical sector: a case study of a restoration and beauty clinic (چکیده)
1266 - seroprevalence ofToxoplasma gondii infection in dogs in Tehran, Iran (چکیده)
1267 - A scientometric model for the assessment of strength and weakness of scientific disciplines (چکیده)
1268 - Tall-i Malyan and the development of Urbaism in Anshan/Parsa (چکیده)
1269 - Estimation of Sediment Volume in Karaj Dam Reservoir (Iran) by Hydrometry Method and a Comparison with Hydrography Method (چکیده)
1270 - Association of DGAT1 gene with breeding value of Iranian Holstein bulls (چکیده)
1271 - A Panel Data Analysis of Export Demand for Saffron (چکیده)
1272 - Saffron Supply Response : A Panel Data Approach (چکیده)
1273 - Petrochemical Characteristics of Neogene and Quaternary Alkali Olivine Basalts from the Western Margin of the Lut Block, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1274 - Creating Organizational Learning and Learning Organization: Management Experience in an Iranian University Library (چکیده)
1275 - An abattoir-based study of hydatidosis in the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1276 - Determining Santonian Echinoids in Chalk limestone, Abderaz Formation(type section), Kopet- Dagh basin, Iran (چکیده)
1277 - Planktonic Foraminiferal bioevents in the ATuronian/ Coniacian boundary interval in the Abderaz Formation at type section, Kopet-Dagh basin, Iran (چکیده)
1278 - Comparison of biochemical profiles of hydatid cyst fluids of chinococcus granulosus from different hosts in Iran (چکیده)
1279 - Molecular Identification of ovine theileria species in ferdos (south khorasan province) east of Iran. (چکیده)
1280 - Identification and differentiation of ovine theileria species on zabol (sistan and baloochestan) province south east of Iran. (چکیده)
1281 - Characterization and origin of late Devonian illitic clay deposits southwestern Iran (چکیده)
1282 - Late Devonian facies variety in Iran: volcanism as a possible trigger of the environmental perturbation (چکیده)
1283 - Isotopic chemostratigraphy of the microbialite-bearing Permian–Triassic boundary section in the Zagros Mountains, Iran (چکیده)
1284 - Comparison of Climate Change Scenarios and GCM Models for Kashafrood Basin of Iran (چکیده)
1286 - Molecular Characterization of Iranian Infectious Bursal Disease Viruses (چکیده)
1287 - Prediction of repair and maintenance costs of farm tractors by using of Preventive Maintenance (چکیده)
1288 - Rapid differentiation between very virulent and classical infectious bursal disease viruses isolated in Iran by RTPCR/ REA (چکیده)
1289 - Psittacine beak and feather disease in Iran, molecular and histopathologic detection (چکیده)
1290 - Evaluation of Sourdough Effect on Microbiological Shelf life and Sensory Properties of Iranian Barbari Bread (چکیده)
1291 - Optimization of Dried Shrimp Production by Intelligent Systems (چکیده)
1292 - The study of forage quality of Haloxylon aphyllum and Eurotia ceratoides in different phenological stages (چکیده)
1293 - Rapid magnitude estimation for moderate to large earthquakes using strong motion records in the Iranian plateau (چکیده)
1296 - geografic distribution of different theileria species in sheep in Iran (چکیده)
1297 - Molecular identification of ovine Theileria species by a new PCR–RFLP method (چکیده)
1298 - Identification of Theileria species in sheep in the eastern half of Iran using nested PCR-RFLP and microscopic techniques (چکیده)
1300 - Evaluation of the Radiation Dose from the radon Ingestion and Inhalation in Drinking water source of Mashhad (چکیده)
1301 - A New Variety and A Review of the Genus Neotorularia (Brassicaceae) in Flora of Iran (چکیده)
1302 - Handelia Heimerl, A New Genus of the Asteraceae-Anthemideae for the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
1303 - Two New Species of the Genus Astragalus sect. Ammodendron (FABACEAE) From Iran (چکیده)
1304 - Geometric morphometric study of two species of the psammophilous genus Erodiontes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from the Lute desert, Central Iran (چکیده)
1305 - Morphmetric comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Gerbillinae, Rodentia) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
1306 - Review of Age, Rb-Sr Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Jurassic to Quaternary Igneous rocks in Lut Block, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1307 - The relationship between sources of sport confidence and athletic performance in young Iranian elite wrestlers (چکیده)
1309 - Effectiveness of Government Supports of Small Manufacturing Firms in Iran (چکیده)
1310 - A Serological Study and Subsequent Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii From Aborted Ovine (چکیده)
1311 - Geomorphological and hydrochemical analysis of Mohammadabad playa in eastern Iran (چکیده)
1312 - Origin of honeycomb weathering and tafoni in cavernously weathered sandstones, Neyzar Formation, NE Iran (چکیده)
1315 - Ground and tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Kerman and Khorasan provinces of Iran (چکیده)
1316 - Studies on species composition of carabid beetles in North Eastern provinces of Iran (Coleoptera: Carabidae) (چکیده)
1317 - Relation between leptin gene polymorphism with economical traits in iranian sistani and brown swiss cows (چکیده)
1319 - Road traffic injuries in Iran: literature review (چکیده)
1321 - Phylogenetic relationships ofMesobuthus eupeus(C.L. Koch, 1839) inferred fromCOIsequences (Scorpiones: Buthidae) (چکیده)
1322 - Rosemary wilting disease and its management by soil solarization technique in Iran (چکیده)
1323 - Comparsion of fixed and random regression test-day models for genetic evaluation of milk yield trait of Iranian Holstein cows (چکیده)
1324 - Prediction of 305 days milk production using artificial neural network in Iranian dairy cattle (چکیده)
1325 - What Factors are Associated With Auditor Switches in Iran (چکیده)
1326 - What Factors are Associated With Auditor Switches in Iran? (چکیده)
1327 - Auditor Switching in an Emerging Market for Auditor Services (چکیده)
1328 - Investigating the Factors Associated with Auditor Switches in Iran (چکیده)
1329 - petrography, elemental and isotopic variation of rudist biostrome of Maastrichtian platform in east Kopet Dagh basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1330 - Depositional history and paleogeography of the Lower paleocene redbeds in eastern Kopet-Dagh basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1331 - petrographic and geochemical eviedance for paragenetic sequence interpretation of the lower Cretaceous limestones in the eastern Binalood Mountain range, NE Iran (چکیده)
1332 - Jurassic deep-water fans in the Neo-Tethys Ocean: The Kashafrud Formation of the Kopet-Dagh Basin, Iran (چکیده)
1333 - Lithostratigraphic and facies analyses of the Sarcheshmeh Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the eastern Kopet Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1334 - Geohistory analysis and reservoir characteristcs of Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) sadstones, eastern Kopet-Dagh basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1336 - A Galnce at The Ailing System of Teaching Translation in Some Iranian Universities (چکیده)
1337 - Beet black scorch virus in Iran is more diverse than anywhere (چکیده)
1338 - The relation of dermatoglyphic patterns and distribution of sweat gland pores with hypertension in Iranian women (چکیده)
1339 - A survey on the occurrence of tospovirus species in Iran (چکیده)
1341 - Root Diseases of Onion Caused by Some Root Colonizing Fungi in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1343 - Polymorphism in Exon 3 of Leptin Gene in Iranian Native Cattle Breeds (چکیده)
1344 - In situ Ruminal Degradation and in vitro Gas Production of Chemically Treated Sesame Stover (چکیده)
1345 - The Relationship between Sources of sport confidence and sport confidence in young Iranian elite wrestlers (چکیده)
1346 - Interactive Effect of Sodium Bentonite with Pigments on Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens (چکیده)
1347 - Economic growth, CO2 emissions, and fossil fuels consumption in Iran (چکیده)
1348 - The Effects of Replacing Dried Citrus Pulp with Barley Grain on the Performance of Iranian Saanen Kids (چکیده)
1349 - Effect of Extruded Cotton Seed and Canola Seed on Carcass Traits and CLA Content of Longissimus Dorsi Muscle in Mehraban Lambs (چکیده)
1350 - Petrographical and geochemical evidences for paragenetic sequence interpretation of diagenesis in mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sediments: Mozduran Formation (Upper Jurassic), south of Agh-Darband, NE Iran (چکیده)
1351 - Polymorphism of β-Lactoglobulin Gene in Iranian Sheep Breeds Using PCR-RFLP (چکیده)
1352 - Iranian beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV): pronounced diversity of the p25 coding region in A-type BNYVV and identification of P-type BNYVV lacking a fifth RNA species (چکیده)
1353 - Isolation and characterization of a very virulent Infectious bursal disease virus from turkey (چکیده)
1354 - Immunomodulatory Effects of Graded Copper and Zinc on SRBC Titer and Lymphoid Organs in Broiler Chicks (چکیده)
1355 - Prevalence of Brucellosis in Equines of Mshhad-Iran (چکیده)
1356 - Prevalence of Brucellosis in Horse North-East of Iran (چکیده)
1358 - Faunistic study of spiders in Khorasan Province, Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
1359 - New Records of the Hotson s Jerboa Allactaga hotsoni, Thomas, 1920 (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from Khorasan and Yazd Provinces, Iran (چکیده)
1360 - Insecurity feeling amongst Wives (چکیده)
1361 - Effect of Biological and Chemical Additives on Fermentation Responses and Degradation Characteristics of Whole Crop Barely Silage (چکیده)
1362 - Geometric morphometric comparison of the mandibles of three species of vole of the genus Microtus (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) from northern IranGeometric morphometric analysis of Iranian wood mice of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Murida (چکیده)
1363 - New insights into biocontrol of the white grub ,Polyphylla olivieri (چکیده)
1364 - Lilium ledebourii (Baker) Bioiss, common Iranian name, \"Susan-E-Chelcheragh (چکیده)
1365 - Seroprevalence of blood-borne infections among blood donors in Boushehr, Iran. (چکیده)
1367 - Geological Investigation and Mineralization of the Dardway Iron deposit, Sangan Ore Field, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
1368 - Petrochemical characteristics of Neogene and Quaternary alkali olivine basalts from the western margin of the Lut Block, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1369 - Major, minor element chemistry and oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of Marun oil‐field brines, SW Iran: Source history and economic potential (چکیده)
1370 - Chemical and Antimicrobial Studies of Juniperus sabina L. and Juniperus foetidissima Willd. Essential Oils (چکیده)
1371 - A study on gastrointestinal helminths of camels in Mashhad abattoir, Iran (چکیده)
1372 - Microfacies analysis and paleoenvironment interpretation of Upper Jurassic carbonates of Jajarm area, N-NE Iran (چکیده)
1373 - Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in dairy cattle in Iran: a case report (چکیده)
1374 - New data to the knowledge of ground beetles ‎‎(Coleoptera: Carabidae) fauna of Iran‎ (چکیده)
1375 - Species of the flower bugs genus Anthocoris Fallen, 1814 from Mashhad region, North–East of Iran (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) (چکیده)
1376 - An investigation to the subfamily. Lixinae from Khorasan Junoubi and Razavi provinces of Iran (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (چکیده)
1377 - A contribution to the snout beetles fauna of Khorasan province in Iran (Coleoptera: Curculionidae (چکیده)
1378 - A contribution to the fauna of weevils. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) associated with sugar beet fields in North–East of Iran (چکیده)
1379 - Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Xenorhabdus ( γ-Proteobacteria ) strains associated bacteria with the Steinernema isolates from Iran (چکیده)
1380 - Biological control potential of an entomopathogenic preperation of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora on the white grub, Polyphylla adspersa (چکیده)
1381 - Normal Left Ventricular Systolic Time Intervals Assessed by Pulsed Wave Doppler Echocardiography in Turkmen Horse of Iran (چکیده)
1382 - Epidemiological feature of anthrax in Khorasan province of Iran during March 1992 to March 2005 (چکیده)
1384 - Demographics of English Translation Program: A casee stuidy of IRanian undergraduates (چکیده)
1385 - comparison of serum enzyme activity in great sturgeon,HUSO huso, cultured in brackish and fresh water rarth ponds in iran (چکیده)
1386 - The effects of supplemented diet with fish oil and canola oil during transition period to early lactation on complete blood count of Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
1387 - The effects of supplemented diet with fish oil and canola oil during transition period to early lactation on follicular dynamics of Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
1388 - The effects of replacing dride citrus pulp with barley grain on the performance of Iranian sannen kids (چکیده)
1389 - new procedure for evaluation of cap rock across the oil fields in sedimentary basin in sw iran (چکیده)
1390 - Water buffalo industry in Iran (چکیده)
1391 - Silicification of carbonate rocks of Chehel-Kaman Formation( Upper Paleocene) in the west pf Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1392 - Carbone Isotope Anomaly of the yellow beds in the Lower Cambrian Mila Formation in Shahmirzad, Alborz, Northern Iran (چکیده)
1393 - Juraella bifurcata Bernier, 1984 (Calcareous alga, Gymnocodiaceae?) fromthe lower cretaceous (Barremian) Tirgan Formation of the kopetdagh basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1394 - Steinernema Carpocapsae Weiser, 1955 (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) From Natural Population of White Grub, Polyphylla Olivieri (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae (چکیده)
1395 - The exploration of gold by magnetic method in Hired Area, South Khorasan, a case study (چکیده)
1397 - Effect of different Levels of Fish Oil and Canola Oil on in vitro Dry Matter and Organic Matter and Digestibility (چکیده)
1398 - Variability in the chemical composition and in situ ruminal degradability of sugar beet pulp produced in north-east Iran (چکیده)
1399 - Prevalence of BVDV infection in industrial in industrial dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad_Iran (چکیده)
1400 - The concept of territory in the constitution of Islamic republic of Iran (چکیده)
1401 - Trade Liberalization, Exchange Rate and Tax Revenue in Iran (چکیده)
1402 - The application of a biometric index ( dermatoglyphics) in differentiation of K URD TRIBES IN IRAN (چکیده)
1403 - Reasons for culling of Holstein dairy cows in north east of Iran (چکیده)
1404 - Analysis of Economic-Political Factors Affecting non Oil Export of Iran (چکیده)
1405 - Prevalence of Theileria annulata in dairy cattle in Mashhad arae, Iran (چکیده)
1406 - New records of the afghan Vole, Blanfordimys of ghanus (Rodenia: Arvicoinoe) form North- East of khorasan Iran (چکیده)
1407 - Diversity of the Rodents of Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1408 - New record of Naked-footed Gerbil Gerbillius nanus and Pygmy Gerbi Gerbillius cfr. henleyi (Rodentia, Muridae)from Iran (چکیده)
1409 - Study of Complex Vertebral Malformation Disorder in Iranian Holstein Bulls (چکیده)
1410 - Prevalence of Cryptosporium spp. infection in some dairy herds of Mashhad(Iran) and its association with diarrhea in newborn calves (چکیده)
1411 - The Growth of Historical Nationalism and new trend in Historigraphy of Iranian in early 20th century: The Case of Pirniya s Ancient History (چکیده)
1412 - Gastric ulcer in Arabian horses in Iran: Occurrence, hematology and biochemistry (چکیده)
1413 - Identification of the prevalent bovine rotavirus genotypes in Khouzestan province by Multiplex semi nested RT-PCR (چکیده)
1414 - Epidemiological study on haemoparasites of dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in Iran (چکیده)
1415 - Relation among Perception of Class Activities and Achievement goals (چکیده)
1416 - Petrography and Geochemical Signatures in Cracks Filling Calcite Sequences in Septarian Concretions, Sanganeh Formation, Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1417 - Status of entomopathogenic nematode research in Iran (چکیده)
1418 - Morphological and morphometric analyses of dental and cranial characters in apodemus hyrcanicus and a. Witherbyi (rodentia: Muridae)form Iran (چکیده)
1419 - The Aurignacian in the zagros region: new research at Yafteh Cave, Lorestan, Iran (چکیده)
1420 - New Species of three- toed Jerboa Jaculus thaleri Sp. nov. (Dipodentia , Rodentia fom the Deseris of Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
1421 - Calendula karakalensis (Asteraceae) ,A new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
1422 - A new species of Astragalus L. sect. Ornithopodium (Fabaceae)from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1423 - Relationship between Competitive Professional Swimming Time and some Anthropometric Characteristic in Elite Female Iranian Swimmers (چکیده)
1424 - New plant records for Khorassan province, Iran,III (چکیده)
1425 - morphometric comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Gerbillinae, Rodentia) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
1426 - Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Eimeria infections in dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in abattoir of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1427 - Effect of high intensity pulsed electric fields on microbial inactivation of cow milk (چکیده)
1428 - Molecular characterization of Brachyspira species isolated from different bird species in Iran (چکیده)
1429 - pcr -based identification of aflatoxin fungi with iranian saffron (چکیده)
1431 - the investigation of prevalence of lower extremity injuries in Iranian elite female artistic gymnasts:study on two momen s artistic gymnastics appara (چکیده)
1432 - Evaluation of susceptibility of 12 Walnut genotypes to sudden cold of 2008 and frost injury (چکیده)
1433 - The Influence and Role of Iranian Migrant Scholars During the Qutb Shahi period in Dakan (چکیده)
1434 - Supply chain leagility in professional services (چکیده)
1435 - Chronostratigraphy of loess deposits in northeast Iran (چکیده)
1436 - A Study on Some Ecological Aspects of Snow Trout ( Schizothorax pelzami )from Laiinsoo River in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1437 - Distribution, lithology and provenance of peridesert loess deposits in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1438 - Floristic Study of Firozeh watershed-North Khorasan province (چکیده)
1439 - Preference of adults of Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing (Acari: Trombidiidae) for eggs of Planococcus citri (Risso) and Pulvinaria aurantii Cockerell on citrus leaves in the laboratory (چکیده)
1440 - Fadaeeyan-i Islam: The Prototype of Islamic Hard-liners in Iran (چکیده)
1441 - Mites (Acari: Prostigmata & Mesostigmata) inhabiting green plantings in urban environment of north-eastern Iran, including six new records (چکیده)
1442 - Fecal and Molecular Survey of Neospora caninum in Farm and Household Dogs in Mashhad Area (چکیده)
1443 - Survey of Dogs’ Parasites in Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
1444 - Eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from Iran, with descriptions of three new species, one new record and a checklist (چکیده)
1445 - The Role of Persian Press Published in India in the Constitutional Movement of Iran (چکیده)
1446 - Zircon U–Pb geochronology, Sr–Nd isotope analyses, and petrogenetic study of the Dehnow diorite and Kuhsangi granodiorite (Paleo-Tethys), NE Iran (چکیده)
1447 - Comparision of predicted an actual behaviour of engineering chractrization of the Kallat tunnel, Iran (چکیده)
1448 - Rock falls in Sfeedan village in the notheast of Iran (چکیده)
1449 - An investigation of groundwater condition by geoelectrical resistivity ‎method: A case study in Korin aquifer, southeast Iran ‎ (چکیده)
1450 - Implication of complex vertebral malformation and deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase on molecular-based testing in the Iranian Holstein bulls population (چکیده)
1451 - The effect of water table decline on the groundwater quality in Marand plain, northeast Iran (چکیده)
1452 - Vertical electrical sounding fo groundwater assessment in southeastern Iran: A case studyr (چکیده)
1453 - Comparision of serun enzyme activity in great stugeon, Huso Huso, cultured in brackish and fresh water earth ponds in Iran (چکیده)
1454 - English Proficiency And Factors In Its Atainment:A Case Study Of Iranians In The United States (چکیده)
1455 - A conceptual framework of impeders to strategy implementation from an exploratory case study in an Iranian university (چکیده)
1456 - Happiness Level of Accounting Students at University of Mashhad (چکیده)
1457 - The relationship between inspiring leaders and their learning styles in Iran (چکیده)
1458 - Pyrus pashia (Rosaceae),A new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
1459 - The engineering geology of the Tabarak Abad Dam (چکیده)
1460 - sequence stratigraphy and depositional environments of the lower to middle carboniferous strata (Mobarak and ghezel ghaleh formation) (چکیده)
1461 - Isolation and detection of E.coli O157:H7 from meat product samples in Bojnord, Iran (چکیده)
1462 - Quaternary mafic volcanic rocks along the Naybandan fault, Lut block, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1463 - The Relationships between Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty in the private hospital Industry (چکیده)
1464 - Voluntary feed intake, nutrient digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristics of Iranian Baluchi sheep fed Koshia scoparia (چکیده)
1465 - Introducing a lexicographic goal programming for environmental conservation program in farm activities (چکیده)
1466 - یادگیری موثر و کارآمد از طریق پیامک کوتاه (چکیده)
1467 - Reasons for culling of Holstein dairy cows in Neyshabur area in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1468 - Religious Democracy: A Possibility or Impossibility (چکیده)
1469 - The first report of Hepatozoon canis infection of a dog in Iran (چکیده)
1470 - Effect of diverse sire origins on first-parity performance in Iranian Holstein cows (چکیده)
1471 - Erosion types and sediment yield estimation using MPSIAC Model in GIS framework in Ardak Watershed, NE, Iran (چکیده)
1473 - Rockfalls in Sfeedan village in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1474 - Human and ethnic Rights in Shahanameh (چکیده)
1475 - Effect of different levels of fish oil and canola oil on DMI, milk production and blood metabolites of high producing Iranian Holstein dairy cows in early lactation (چکیده)
1476 - Causality between non-oil exports and GDP growths in Iran (چکیده)
1477 - Accession to WTO and agricultural market integrations in Iran (چکیده)
1478 - Economic Efficiency of Smallholder Intensive Dairy Farms in Iran: Adjusted for Market Distortion (چکیده)
1479 - The diversity of leptin gene in Iranian native, Holstein and Brown Swiss Cattle (چکیده)
1480 - nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Gurpi Formation in the type section (Zagros basin, NW Iran) (چکیده)
1481 - Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus infection in Industrial Holstein Dairy cattle in Suburb of Mashhad -Iran. (چکیده)
1482 - Ecological segregation between Iranian wheatears (چکیده)
1483 - Classification and genetic variability of rhizoctonia isolates associatied with sugar beet in Iran (چکیده)
1484 - Relationship between mercury concentration and body size in 5 species of owls, Iran (چکیده)
1485 - Raccoon (Procyon lotor) as an invasive species for north of (چکیده)
1486 - A synonym and a new record of Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
1487 - Niche segregation, behavioural differences and relation to morphology in two Iranian syntopic wheatears: Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe libanotica and Mourning Wheatear O. lugens persica (چکیده)
1488 - Government Expenditure and Revenue Relation and Fiscal Sustainability in Iran (چکیده)
1489 - An investigation on epiphytic bacteria of pistachio nut trees in certain pistachio growing areas of Iran (چکیده)
1490 - Reviewing the constitution of Islamic Republic and the change of quality of political Authority in Iran after Revolution (چکیده)
1491 - Physical and chemical property of some Iranian non-forage fibre sources (چکیده)
1492 - Lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae & Hemerobiidae) from North eastern and East Provinces of Iran (چکیده)
1494 - Reinvestigation of Relationship Between Macroeconomic indexes and Energy Consumption in Iran (چکیده)
1495 - A key and four new species of Hedysarum (Fabaceae) in Iran (چکیده)
1496 - Molecular G typing of bovine rotaviruses in Iran (چکیده)
1497 - Prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis in some dairy herds of Khorasan Razavi province, northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1498 - comparison between two climatologically environment on milk yield and composition of iranian holstein cows (چکیده)
1499 - effect of forage type and enzyme feed additive on performance of iranian holstein cows (چکیده)
1500 - Paleogeographic Reconstruction of Paleocene Silisiclastic and Carbonate Rocks in West parts of Kopet-Dagh Basin- NE Iran (چکیده)
1501 - The comparative survey of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus antigen cattle in industrial dairy herds and slaughter house of Mashhad area-Iran (چکیده)
1503 - Introduction of insect pathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae from Iran (چکیده)
1505 - New species of five-toed jerboa (rodentia:Dipodidae, Allactaginae) from north-east Iran (چکیده)
1506 - Contribution to Heteroptera fauna of Khorasan Razavi province of Iran (چکیده)
1507 - Chicken infectious anaemia virus infection among broiler chicken flocks in Iran (چکیده)
1508 - Plant diversity of Fereizi region in Binalood mountains, NE Iran (چکیده)
1509 - Causality Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Iran (چکیده)
1510 - Detecting Desertification Processes Using TM and ETM data, North of Isfahan,IRAN (چکیده)
1511 - Allium joharchii, a new species from Khorassan province (چکیده)
1512 - Bus Accessibiliy planning in Iran (چکیده)
1513 - Obstacles, Problems and Approaches of Globalization of Iran s Cities (چکیده)
1514 - Hydrothermal Alteration Mapping in SW Birjand, Iran, Using the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Image Processing (چکیده)
1515 - Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Mineral Mapping to Discriminate High Sulfidation, Reduced Intrusion Related and Iron Oxide Gold Deposits, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1516 - Using ETM+ and airborne geophysics data to locating porphyry copper and epithermal gold deposits in eastern Iran (چکیده)
1517 - Identification IGF-I gene polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism and its relation to growth traits in Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
1518 - First report of the Hadjelia truncata infestation in pigeons of Iran (چکیده)
1520 - Government Monetary and Fiscal Policies Effects on Economic and Social Duality in Iran (چکیده)
1521 - The estimation of one day duration probable maximum precipitation over Atrak watershed in Iran (چکیده)
1522 - Mushroom breeding program in Iran (چکیده)
1523 - Isolation of DNA from A Single Helminth Using New Developed (چکیده)
1524 - Blood and ruminal metabolites of early lactating Iranian Holstein cows fed raw or roasted whole soybean (چکیده)
1525 - The Construct Validation and Application of a Questionnaire of (چکیده)
1526 - Saline Agriculture and its necessity in Iran (چکیده)
1527 - industrialisation in iran (چکیده)
1528 - Evaluation of Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education In Iran (چکیده)
1529 - Estimating the greenhouse gases emission and the most important factors in dairy farms (Case study Iran) (چکیده)
1530 - Estimation the supply and demand gap of export credit and determining the factors influencing on it (چکیده)
1531 - Evaluation of agricultural advisory services effects on Sugar beet in Razavi Khorasan province (چکیده)
1532 - Macroeconomic Policies and the Best Environmental-Oriented Policy in Agricultural sector of Iran(Case of Soil Erosion). (چکیده)
1533 - Application of game theory to compare the effect of market sale and contract strategies on agricultural yield in Iran (A Case Study of Tomato) (چکیده)
1534 - Current situation of computer aided engineering applications in Iran industry (چکیده)
1535 - Study the GDF-8 gene polymorphism and association to average daily gain in Iranina Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
1536 - Effect of age at fi rst calving on milk production and days open in fi rst-parity Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
1537 - Analysis of productive life in Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
1538 - Single nucleotide polymorphism within exon 4 of the bovine prolactin gene in three Iranian native cattle (چکیده)
1539 - A Survey of White Line Disease in Racehorse Population in North of Iran-Gonbad (چکیده)
1540 - Influences of milk yield and fertility traits in the first lactation on the length of productive life of Holstein dairy cows in Iran (چکیده)
1541 - How Implementation of Knowledge Management can make a difference in Libraries: A Case Study of KM practice in Astan Quds Library Organization (چکیده)
1542 - Study of Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR) and Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor (GHRHR) genes polymorphism and their association to average daily gain in Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
1543 - Identification IGF-I gene polymorphisms by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism and its relation to growth traits in Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
1544 - Study the PIT-1 gene polymorphism and association to average daily gain In Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
1545 - Non_carrier Indentification of spider lamb syndrome in iranian bluchi and karakul sheep by PCR-RFLP (چکیده)
1546 - Safety and cost-effectiveness of clear zones on Iran (چکیده)
1548 - Laboratory study of Arsenic removal by macroalgae, Chara. (چکیده)
1549 - Estimating Growth Rates and Decomposition Analysis of Agricultural Production in Iran (1970-2000) (چکیده)
1550 - Allium L. subgen. Rhizirideum sensu lato in Iran: Two new records and a synopsis of taxonomy and phytogeography (چکیده)
1551 - Agrobiodiversity of Field Crops: A Case Study for Iran (چکیده)
1552 - Genetic polymorphism at MTNR1A, CAST and CAPN loci in Iranian Kurakul sheep (چکیده)
1553 - The diversity of BOLA- DRB3 gene in Iranian native cattle (چکیده)
1554 - Geometric morphometric analysis of Iranian wood mice of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae) (چکیده)
1555 - Geometric morphometric comparison of the mandibles of three species of vole of the genusMicrotus(Rodentia: Arvicolinae) from northern Iran (چکیده)
1556 - Impact of Age at First Calving on Lactation and Reproduction of first-parity Iranian Holsteins Dairy cows (چکیده)
1557 - Prevalence of Ixodid ticks on cattle in Mazandarn Province, Iran (چکیده)
1558 - Genetic polymorphism of b-lactoglobulin in certain Iranian and Russian sheep breeds (چکیده)
1559 - Molecular Identification of Streptococcus equi subsp. Equi and Streptococcus equi subsp. Zooepidemic (چکیده)
1563 - The genus Allium (Alliaceae) in Iran: current state, new taxa and new records (چکیده)
1564 - Preliminary studies on Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) fauna of Razavi Khorasan province of Iran (چکیده)
1565 - Time Trend in the mean annual temperature of Iran (چکیده)
1566 - Investigation of Annual Rainfall Trends in Iran (چکیده)
1569 - New plant records for khorassan province, Iran (چکیده)
1572 - A contribution to the Longhorned beetles fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
1573 - Taknar polymetal (Cu-Zn-Au-Ag-Pb) Deposit: A new Type Magnetite-Rich VMS Deposit, Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1574 - S-C-O Isotopes, Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry, and the Genesis of Ore Bearing Fluids at Qaleh-Zar (چکیده)
1575 - Two New Records of the Genus Euphorbia (EUPHORBIACEAE) for the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
1576 - Notes on the taxonomy of Hedysarum (Fabaceae) in iran (چکیده)
1577 - Icriodus and Polygnathus (Conodonts) from the Late Devonian of Eastern Iran, and Middle-Late Devonian of Northern Iran (چکیده)
1578 - Evaluating websites A systematic investigation of internet site quality from a single country domain name (چکیده)
1579 - Early Carboniferous (Tournaisian) conodont faunas from eastern and northern Iran (چکیده)
1580 - Cephalopods and Stratigraphical Position of Cephalopod Bed of Shishtu Formation, Iran (چکیده)
1581 - مغناطیس سنجهای زمینی بر روی بی هنجاریهای مغناطیسی هوابردی در منطقه معدن مس دهنه سیاه و منطقه اکتشافی (چکیده)
1582 - Bi-sulfosalt mineral series and their paragenetic associations in specularite-rich Cu-Ag-Au deposit (چکیده)
1583 - Comparison of Qaleh Zari Cu-Au-Ag deposit with other Iron Oxides Cu-Au (IOGC-type) deposits, a new c (چکیده)
1584 - A comparison of assigned descriptors and title keywords of dissertations in the Iranian dissertation database (چکیده)
1585 - Frequency of bovine Iymphocyte antigen DRB3.2 alleles in Sarabi cows (چکیده)
1586 - Linear and non – linear optimization models for allocation of a limited water supply (چکیده)
1587 - A re-visit to partial duration series of short dutation rainfalls (چکیده)
1588 - The Upper Devonian Annulata Event in the Shotori Range-eastern Iran (چکیده)
1589 - Palmatolepis (conodonta ; Lete Devonian) from the Tabas Region, Eastern iran (چکیده)
1590 - Late Devonian and middle-late Devonian conodonts frome eastern and northern iran (چکیده)
1591 - بررسی قارچهای دسته agaricales مشهد و حومه (چکیده)
1593 - pervalence of subclinical coccidiosis in broiler-chicken farms in the municipality of mashhad, khora (چکیده)
1594 - Conceptual Evolution of the Computer-Aided Engineering and its Current Applications in Iran Industry (چکیده)
1595 - Role of Cognitive Style of Field-dependence/ independence in Using Metacognitive and Cognitive Reading Strategies by a Group of Skilled and Novice Iranian Students of English Literature (چکیده)
1596 - Incidence of Listeria spp in raw milk in sharekord, Iran (چکیده)
1597 - Biometrical and topographical study of cerebral ventricles in Iranian Lorigoat (چکیده)
1598 - Morphological and stereotaxic studies of Iranian native goat s brain (چکیده)
1599 - Comparative histomorphological study of ovary and ovarian follicles in Iranian Lori-Bakhtiari sheep and native goat (چکیده)
1600 - Comparative Histomorphological Study of Heart in Healthy and Ascites Broiler Chickens in Shahrekord District, Iran (چکیده)
1601 - Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus antibodies in bulk tank milk of industrial dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iran (چکیده)
1602 - Association of SNP in the ExonII of Leptin Gene with Milk and Reproduction Traits in Holstein Iranian Cows (چکیده)
1603 - The status of exudate species in Iran and existing challenges in their sustainable utilization (چکیده)
1604 - Drought: fighting or adopting? A report about three years experience of drought in Khorasan province (چکیده)
1605 - Establishing Financial Market in Iran (چکیده)
1606 - Genetic variability and population structure in Beta-lactoglobulin, Calpastatin and Calpin loci in Iranian Kurdi sheep (چکیده)
1607 - The cost Effectiveness of Investment in Traffic Safety Projects in Iran (چکیده)
1610 - Studying the Sustainability of a Wheat-cotton Agroecosystem in Iran (چکیده)
1611 - Seroepidemiology of Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle herds in Mashhad area, Iran (چکیده)
1612 - خستگی و خواب آلودگی، مهم ترین عامل تصادفات وسایل نقلیه سنگین در ایران (چکیده)
1613 - Phytoremediation of arsenic by macroalgae: Implication in natural contaminated water, northeast Iran (چکیده)
1614 - Arsenic and antimony in drinking water in kohsorkh area, northeast Iran possible rosks for the public health (چکیده)
1615 - Documenting and Comparing Plant Species Diversity by Using Numerical and Parametric Methods in Khaje Kalat, NE Iran (چکیده)
1616 - Government Expenditure and Revenue Relation and Fiscal Sustainability in Iran (چکیده)
1617 - The Effects of Salinity on Extractability and Chemical Fractions of Zinc in Selected Calcareous Soils of Iran (چکیده)
1618 - An Evaluation of important factors for selecting EPS in SMEs of Iran (چکیده)
1619 - Assessing the most important factors in the development and launch of government web sites. (case study in Iran) (ارزیابی مهمترین عوامل موثر در توسعه و دستیابی وی سایت های دولتی ( مطالعه موردی)) (چکیده)
1620 - Potential impact of climate change on rainfed wheat production in Iran (چکیده)
1621 - Accession to the WTO and agricultural market integrations in Iran (ورود به سازمان جهانی تجارت و همگرائی بازار محصولات کشاورزی در ایران) (چکیده)
1622 - Experiencing Small-Scale e-Democracy in Iran (چکیده)